Paper canceled 1 hour before the exam in Punjab: PSEB’s 12th English exam was there, students had reached the examination centers

Ludhiana23 minutes ago copy link Representational photo. The Punjab School Education Board abruptly canceled the Class…

U-turn of Mukhi Amritpal of Waris Punjab: said – did not threaten Amit Shah, agencies can get me killed; Congress MP said – the child got scared

LudhianaOne hour ago Waris Punjab De chief brother Amritpal Singh has taken a U-turn on his…

Justice March on Sidhu Musewala’s death anniversary: ​​Father’s announcement – will come out in Punjab with a bullet-riddled thar, anger in heart against the government

Ludhiana2 hours ago Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala’s father Balkaur Singh has said that the time has…

Harvinder Rinda declared terrorist: Union Home Ministry took the decision, name included in many incidents including grenade attack in Punjab

Ludhiana39 minutes ago copy link Punjab’s notorious gangster terrorist Harvinder Rinda has been declared a terrorist…

Clashes in Congress over Jalandhar by-election: One group came out in favor of Channi and the other in favor of MP Chaudhary Santokh’s wife

Ludhiana11 hours ago copy link Before the Lok Sabha by-election in Punjab’s Jalandhar, the Congress has…

Women from Moga are being supplied abroad: Victim returned from Muscat claims – sold her for 3 lakhs, Pakistanis forcefully made physical relations

Vivek Sharma, Ludhiana6 minutes ago A woman from Moga in Ludhiana, Punjab, claimed that a woman…

Shocking accident in Patiala: Scorpio crushed the cyclist, ran away with his head, was racing with Bolero

Ludhiana8 hours ago A heart-wrenching accident has happened in Patiala, Punjab. Here the Scorpio, which was…

Amritsar-Bathinda highway closed even today in Punjab: Behbal Kalan Insaf Morcha encamps on the road, fury against AAP government

Ludhiana20 minutes ago People sitting on dharna Family members of 2015 Behbal Kalan police firing victims…

National record of Haryana’s cow in Ludhiana: Gave more than 72 kg milk in 24 hours, owner got tractor as reward

Vivek Sharma, Ludhiana15 minutes ago A Holstein Friesian cow of two Kurukshetra farmers created a national…

Sex racket going on in Ludhiana’s Ghanta Ghar, VIDEO: Women claim- setting from police, rate of 1 thousand rupees, takes customers to hotel

LudhianaOne hour ago Ghanta Ghar in Ludhiana, Punjab is the pride of the metropolis. A sex…