8 New Year Resolutions That Will Help Better Your Mental Health

When it comes to new year resolutions and one’s focus on mental health the basic trifecta…

7 Mood-Boosting Foods To Make Your Happy And Healthy

It might be tempting to resort to food to make you feel better when you’re sad.…

The Power Of Hugs: 6 Health Benefits Of Hugging

Benefits of hugging: We give hugs to others when we’re joyful, depressed, or attempting to console…

Sugar Cravings: Why You Crave Sweets After Meals And Tips To Stop Them

Sugar cravings: After you’ve finished your meal and perhaps even cleared your plate, you probably wouldn’t…

Sweat it out: 5 Reasons why couples who workout together stay together

Your body produces endorphin-related compounds when you exercise. These endorphins interact with the brain’s pain-relieving receptors…