On A Weight Loss Diet? Avoid Bananas For Additional Health Benefits

Flavanols are a group of bioactive compounds that are good for your heart and cognitive health…

Dessert For Weight Loss: Natures Treats You Can Enjoy To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Guilt-Free

We always look forward to desserts since they are the best part of your meal. Although most desserts are…

EXCLUSIVE- Travelling To The Mountains? Expert Explains How Sudden Cardiac Arrest Can Be Triggered At High Altitudes

According to a recent research from the American Heart Association that offers guidance against engaging in…

Staying Physically Active Can Prevent Stroke And Heart Rhythm Disorders: Study

Physical activity is associated with a lower risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke, according to a…

Hepatitis: More Than 50% Of Individuals Suffer From Liver Inflammation, Expert Shares

According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, the prevalence of Hepatitis A ranged from 2.1…

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities Through Physical Fitness: The Powerful Connection Between Daily Movement And Mental Health

The development of one’s emotional, mental, social, and physical selves are only a few of the…

Expert Share Habits You Need In Your 20s To Stay Fit And Healthy

The cornerstone of good health is a well-balanced diet. The vitamins, minerals, and energy needed for…

Wish To Live Longer? Eating A Plant-Based Diet, Proper Sleep, Exercise And Being Social Could Help

Those following a plant-based diet with limited added salts and sugars, adequate rest, exercise and socialisation…

Craving Chocolates? Or Is It Your Body Needing Magnesium? Expert Shares How Nutrient Deficiencies Affect Food Craving

If you find it impossible to live without chocolate, you might be addicted to sugar. However,…