Today’s history: Indian Airlines plane hijacked, Pakistani intelligence agency ISI had hand, India had left three terrorists

Hindi News National India Pakistan Plan Hijack: Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 31 December | Indian…

Today’s History: The dictator who had killed 148 Shias, had the Quran written with his own blood; was hanged

Hindi News National Saddam Hussein: Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 30 December | Iraqi Dictator Saddam…

Today’s History: Record of giving 15 consecutive hits, girls used to write letters with blood; Know the story of the superstar

Hindi News National Rajesh Khanna: Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 29 December | Story Of Bollywood’s…

Today’s history: Man reached the Moon’s orbit for the first time, the first color picture of Moon and Earth was taken together

Hindi News National Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 24 December | NASA Apollo 8 Moon Mission…

Today’s History: The world’s first successful kidney transplant, the person who lived for more than 8 years with the kidney of a twin brother

Hindi News National Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 23 December | World First Kidney Transplantation In…

Today’s History: Birth anniversary of the great mathematician who discovered infinity, in whose memory National Mathematics Day is celebrated

Hindi News National Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 22 December | Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (National Mathematics…

Today’s history: On this day the crossword puzzle was printed for the first time in the newspaper, got this name due to a mistake

Hindi News National Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 21 December | World’s First Crossword Puzzle In…

Today’s History: The world’s first plane made by Wright Brothers took off, the idea of ​​making a plane came from toys

Hindi News National Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 17 December | Wright Brothers And The First…