Today’s history: 25 years ago on this day, 10 months old HD Deve Gowda government had fallen, in 12 months the country saw 4 PM

Hindi News National Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 11 April; Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 11…

Today’s history: 93 years ago Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar threw bombs in the Central Assembly, 11 months later the British hanged them

Hindi News National Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 8 April | Bhagat Singh And Batukeshwar Dutt…

Today’s History: Birthday of Pandit Ravi Shankar; While traveling by air, the seat next to it was booked in the name of his star ‘Surashankar’.

Hindi News National Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 7 April | Pandit Ravi Shankar Marriage Life…

Today’s history: 4 decades ago, BJP started with 2 seats in the Lok Sabha, today the party is in power at the Center with 303 seats

Hindi News National PM Modi Atal Bihari Vajpayee: Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 6 April |…

Today’s history: 29 years ago ‘Bollywood’s Gudiya’ Divya Bharti passed away, had made people crazy in her career of 3 years

Hindi News National Divya Bharti Death: Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 5 April | Divya Bharti…

Today’s history: The birth of that Indian general, under whose leadership India had smothered Pakistan in the 1971 war

Hindi News National Sam Manekshaw; Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 03 April | India First Field…

Today’s history: 28 years later, in 2011, India won the World Cup, Dhoni defeated Sri Lanka in the final with a six.

Hindi News National MS Dhoni 2011 World Cup Final Six: Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 2…

Today’s history: Rajasthan was formed 73 years ago, it took 8 years 7 months 14 days to unite 22 princely states of Rajputana

Hindi News National Rajasthan: Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 30 March | Rajasthan Formation Day Story…

Today’s history: 1300 people died due to earthquake in Indonesia, the fourth most intense earthquake in the world after 1965

Hindi News National Indonesia Earthquake; Today History Aaj Ka Itihas 28 March | Indonesia, Sumatra 2005…

Today’s history: Namboodiripad, the first non-Congress CM of the country, died, the central government had dismissed it after 2 years

Hindi News National The Country’s First Non Congress CM Namboodiripad Had Died, The Central Government Had…