Can Lifestyle Choices Help Decrease Cancer Risk? Oncologist Shares How

Cancer remains a formidable adversary, affecting millions globally. To combat this menace effectively, educating the public…

Social Drinking To Addiction: Navigating Alcohols Impact On Liver Health- 5 Tips For Prevention

The liver, an extraordinary organ with the remarkable ability to regenerate, is often taken for granted…

Alcohol Intake Can Raise Risk For Over 60 Diseases, Even In Moderation: Study

Alcohol consumption is estimated to be responsible for about three million deaths worldwide each year, and…

Modern Research Debunks Myth Regarding Health Benefits Of Moderate Drinking

New Delhi: For many years, scientific research indicated that moderate drinking was better for most people’s…

7 Drinks to avoid in winter to keep your body healthy with tasty alternatives

Drinks to avoid: The “healthy” beverage aisle’s layout has changed dramatically over the years, from expensive…

Heavy alcohol consumption can put young adults at high stroke risk: Study

People in their 20s and 30s who drink moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol may be…

Alcohol Poses Higher Health Risks For Young People Than Older Adults: Study In Lancet

Highlights In 2020, 1.34 billion people consumed harmful amounts of alcohol (1.03 billion males and 0.312…

Alcohol Consumption Poses More Threat to Heart Than Previously Thought: Study

Drinking alcohol is injurious to health, and yet many consider it safe if consumed moderately. The…

Even Moderate Consumption of Alcohol Causes Brain Damage: Study

We’ve all received weird WhatsApp messages describing the amount of alcohol that is good for heart…

These are the Health Benefits you can Gain from Beer Consumption

If you are someone who is totally capable of drowning in beer and also come up…