Subhashis Kar helps new Startups by facilitating funds from world-class investors

Partner Content

oi-Oneindia Staff


Published: Thursday, February 3, 2022, 19:06 [IST]

The Indian startup ecosystem is gradually proving its disrupting potential as more and more Indian startups are joining the unicorn club. While unicorns should be mythical creatures, start-up unicorns are no longer mythical or rare in India. However, these budding start-ups often fail to register their expected growth due to the lack of financial, operational and marketing support. Techbooze Consultancy is a service-based start-up consultancy firm that supports the start-up ecosystem with its professional services.

Subhashis Kar helps new Startups by facilitating funds from world-class investors

Starting up requires considerable business and financial planning to avoid any kind of adversities, especially in the initial stages of business development. According to, almost 21.5% of start-ups fail within one year and around 30% within the second year of their inception. Looking at this scenario and the potential in the Indian start-up ecosystem, Entrepreneur Subhashis Kar founded Techbooze Consultancy to help start-ups get off on the right track when they are at a nascent stage. The start-up consultancy firm offers 360-degree start-up consultancy to help them kick-start their growth journey.

A lot of times, budding entrepreneurs find the entire fundraising process overwhelmingly complex and draining. Techbooze Consultancy takes care of all the aspects of fundraising so that their clients can get a streamlined fundraising experience. Through building comprehensive financial forecasting, the consultancy firm helps the start-ups to uphold their investment needs and blueprint of capital expense so that they can attract the right investors. It creates everything from funding strategy to investment plan to pitch deck to market strategy for their clients.

Techbooze Consultancy, which started its operations from Indian plain now, is now providing its startup consultancy services in 53 countries all across the globe. They are aiming to boost the Indian start-up ecosystem by attracting capital from global investors. With their growth support services like business strategy, business expansion and corporate restructuring they help the start-ups to produce optimal business outcomes. Techbooze Consultancy also provides tailor-made marketing plans to help build awareness around your brand. The brand has recently helped start-ups like Ynsect, Compass and Curefit to raise $150 million, $225 million and $50 million respectively.

Talking about their business consultancy services, company Founder and CEO Subhashis Kar says, “Without a strategic business and funding plan, many young startups fail to secure funding source which leaves a detrimental on their long-term growth. Techbooze helps startups to develop a clear roadmap to help them attract the right investors. We offer a number of business development services to facilitate the growth of our clients in the emerging startup ecosystem.”

In today’s competitive marketplace, startups require to ensure regular cash flow to ensure the operational efficiency of their businesses. Funding is the lifeblood of any business and Techbooze Consultancy leads you to that lifeblood. The Indian Government is taking several measures like Start-Up India realizing the future potential in the Indian start-up ecosystem. Subhashis-led Techbooze Consultancy envisions pushing the horizon even further by assisting the start-ups in their efforts to emerge as a unicorn.

Story first published: Thursday, February 3, 2022, 19:06 [IST]