Student thrashed for remarks on Prophet Muhammad: Seniors raised slogans of Allahu Akbar and Jai Mata Di

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  • Telangana College Viral Video; Student Beaten Up Comment On Prophet Muhammad

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Student thrashed by seniors for making derogatory remarks on Prophet Muhammad in Telangana. According to media reports, slogans of Jai Mata Di and Allahu Akbar were also raised from the students. The video of the incident is going viral on social media. So far the student has not complained about the matter to the police.

student beaten up in hostel
The matter is of Shankarpalli police station area of ​​Rangareddy district of Telangana. A student was thrashed on November 1 in the hostel of the Business Institute here. As soon as the video of the incident went viral, the college administration swung into action and informed the police about the matter. The college management has started investigating the matter at its level.

Students of both the communities were among those who assaulted
According to media reports, students from both Hindu and Muslim communities were involved in assaulting the student. In the viral video, it can be seen that the students are manhandling their juniors and forcing them to chant Jai Mata Di, Allah Hu Akbar.

Fakirs thrashed in UP, made to raise slogans of Jai Shri Ram

This is not the first time that a person has been assaulted and forced to chant religious slogans of a particular community in the country. In July 2022, three Muslim mystics were molested in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh. They were also made to chant Jai Shri Ram forcibly. Referring to the Kanpur violence, he was also called a terrorist. They also got sit-ups done. When the video of the case went viral, the police arrested the youths. Read full news…

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