Son of crime boss seriously injured in suspected assassination attempt in Ashkelon

The son of a well known crime family boss was shot and seriously wounded in Ashkelon on Sunday morning.

The victim was identified by Hebrew-language media reports as underworld figure Shalom Domrani’s son Nissim.

It was the latest round in a series of violent and deadly incidents as Domrani’s crime organization battles with rivals.

Nissim Domrani, said to be in late 20s, was brought to Barzilai Medical Center in serious condition. He was said to have been struck by several bullets and was bleeding badly.

He was shot on Avodah Street in the southern port city as he sat in a vehicle in the forecourt of a car showroom.

Police opened an investigation and began sweeping the area of evidence and suspects.

CCTV footage of the incident showed the gunman running into the forecourt and firing a gun at the victim. The gunman then fled, slipping and falling over twice as he scrambled away.

Channel 12 news reported that the gunman had arrived on a motorcycle.

A local police source told the station that “it was clear that at some time they would try to harm either Shalom or his son Ninah [Nissim] as revenge for hits that the father Shalom was involved in.”

Fearing bloody reprisals for the shooting, police have increased their presence in the city, according to the report.

Channel 13 news reported that Nissim Domrani was released from prison in 2019 after serving two years for threats and extortion.

Underworld figure Shalom Domrani seen in the Rishon Lezion court in 2011. (Gideon Markowicz/FLASH90)

Last month Avi Bitton, a senior figure in Domrani’s crime family and reportedly his top moneyman, was killed by a bomb in Ashkelon.

Later in the month, two members of Domrani’s organization were arrested in the city of Ashdod with police suspecting they were heading to carry out a hit on a member of bitter rival Benny Shlomo’s crime family, Walla reported. The two were stopped by police who found masks and a pistol in their car.

Shalom Domrani was released from prison last October after serving six years for two attempted murder convictions, and has since then allegedly been working to strengthen and financially rehabilitate his organization.

His exit from prison came after Shlomo was also released in August, having served time for assault.

Local police had expected the tensions between the two to eventually erupt into attempted hits and have recently uncovered and seized bombs that were ready for use, according to a report last month from the Ynet news site.

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