Sohini Bhattacharya: The desire to empower adolescent girls in the country has linked them with NGOs

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  • The Desire To Empower Adolescent Girls In The Country Has Linked Them With NGOs.

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Growing up in a middle-class family in Kolkata, West Bengal, Sohini Bhattacharjee is today the CEO of Breakthrough, holding this responsibility since 2017. During this, he has brought the cases of domestic violence and gender inequality to the public through many campaigns and surveys in the country. However, she joined this institution in 2010. But due to his continuous excellent work, he was made CEO after six years. For the last 30 years, Sohini Bhattacharya has been working for women’s equality and increasing the empowerment of girls and women in the society.

She says, “After graduating from English Literature, I was trying out a scholarship to move to the US, and it was during this time that I joined an NGO working on gender equality for women and girls in rural areas. While working there, I witnessed violence and discrimination on the basis of gender every step of the way against women and girls. Working with her to create an equal society for girls and women has propelled me to this level in the field of NGOs.

If you have passion then you can come in the field of NGO even after 12th by doing diploma or degree course.

If you have passion then you can come in the field of NGO even after 12th by doing diploma or degree course.

Responding to a question on what are the things that today’s girls need to keep in mind to join an NGO, she says, “There are many degree courses available to work in an NGO. To work as a social worker, the most important thing is that you should have passion for it. If you have passion then you can come in this field even after 12th by doing diploma or degree course. One can come in this field after doing BA and MA in Sociology. Apart from this, one can also get associated with NGOs by doing MSW course.

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