Shah said- PM will keep Sengol in the new Parliament House: Home Minister said- this is a symbol of transfer of power; Pandit Nehru had taken it from the British; Congress forgot

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Sengol is now kept in the museum. It will be kept in the new building of Parliament on 28 May.

Home Minister Amit Shah told during the press conference on Wednesday, PM Narendra Modi will inaugurate the new Parliament House on May 28 at 12 noon. During this, Sengol will also be installed in the Parliament. Sengol is a kind of symbol of power transfer. Sengol will be placed next to the Speaker’s chair in the Parliament House.

Home Minister Amit Shah further said, at the time of independence, the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru had taken it from the British. It was imported from Tamil Nadu. Now it is kept in a museum in Prayagraj. This will be a reflection of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence.

Photos of Sengol..

Sengol was accepted by Pandit Nehru on 14 August 1945

Amit Shah said, when PM Modi came to know about Sengol, he asked to get more information about it. On August 14, 1945, around 10:45, Nehru accepted it from the British by ordering it from Tamil Nadu.

However, Sengol was forgotten after 1947, the home minister said. It was not mentioned anywhere. Later it was discussed by a Tamil scholar after 24 years. It is mentioned in government data in 2021-22. Amit Shah also informed that the 96 year old Tamil scholar who was present at that time in 1947 will also be present at the time of establishment of Sengol.

Where did sengol come from, when was it used for the first time
The word Sengol is derived from the Sanskrit ‘sanku’. It means conch shell. The Sengol has Nandi at the top and some artwork is made on the side. It is made of gold and silver.

The history of sengol in India is very old. It was first used by the Maurya Empire (322–185 BCE). Sengol was subsequently used by the Gupta Empire (320–550 AD), the Chola Empire (907–1310 AD), and the Vijayanagara Empire (1336–1646 AD).

Later it came to the Mughals from the Chola dynasty and when the British came to India, the British East India Company took over it.

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