Shaadi Karni Hai kya? trends on Twitter, know the reason why- Check out some hilarious tweets here

Viral: A new Twitter trend started on Thursday, and people all across the internet joined together to outwit one another by putting amusing spins on the trend. If you frequent Twitter, you may have noticed a recent trend that consists of a humorous one-liner that concludes with Shaadi Karni Hai kya. So, if you’re curious about what it actually means and its origins, you’ve come to the perfect place., a matrimonial service, came up with a clever technique to advertise its brand while also making it enjoyable. Users were challenged by to finish the statement, which should end with Shaadi Karni hai kya. Which implies that you intend to get married?

Here are some hilarious Tweets

Shaadi Karni hai kya was the second most tweeted hashtag on Twitter trend, which gained traction and moved up to the Trending section. The trending hashtag has received participation from almost 4,000 people.

There were a lot of individuals engaging in the Twitter trend, but some of them went in a different direction and stood up for those who are single and find it difficult to relate to the conversation. Additionally, a lot of affection and attention have been shown for the amusing takes by single people.