Sensitive Skin? Here Are 4 Easy Ways to Wash Your Make-Up Brushes at Home

Who doesn’t love experimenting with makeup? And gone are the days when only women used to do makeup. Today, men also want to look sharp and the best version of themselves. But sometimes we ignore a few things that lead to skin breakouts, especially when your skin is supremely sensitive. It depends a great deal on the makeup brushes you use. How you clean it after the usage and how you store it determines, in many ways, the health of your skin too.

To protect your skin from damage, cleaning your makeup brushes once a week is very important. And today we will tell you a few important tips that can be kept in mind while washing your brushes.

Cleansing with anti-bacterial liquid

After a few days of use, makeup brushes can get a bit oily. The oil on the brush can be removed by using an antibacterial washing liquid that is available on the market. Soak the brush by mixing liquid in lukewarm water. Remove the brush after a while and wash it in clean water before drying it.

Use No-Rinse Liquid

To clean the brush, many makeup artists do not use a rinse liquid. Take some liquid in the cup and dip the top of the brush in it. Now clean it by rotating the brush on the tissue paper or towel. You can use it after the brush has dried.

Avoid using alcohol liquid:

If you have really sensitive skin, do not clean the brush with an alcohol-based liquid. Many adverse effects can be seen on your skin. However, you can use regular soap to clean your brushes.

Shampoo can be used:

Shampoo can also be used to clean makeup brushes. Soak the brush in a cup of lukewarm water with shampoo. Remove the brush after 5-10 minutes and wash it with clean water.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi news18 does not confirm the same. Before implementing these, please contact the concerned expert.)

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