Scholarship Guide | ‘Brilliance & Leadership’: Key Ingredients to Become a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford – News18

Studying abroad can be financially challenging for many meritorious students who often opt out due to the expensive course fee, visa charges, accommodation and food expenses. Therefore, scholarships help many to pursue their dreams.

News18 ‘Scholarship Guide’ brings the best and most prestigious grants for Indian students to study abroad, with most of them covering flight tickets, accommodation and course fee; and some also providing stipend.

Started in 1902, the Rhodes scholarship continues to be one of the premium funding options for students from across regions. The scholarship allows students to study a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Oxford without paying any course fee. The beneficiary also receives an annual fund worth 19,092 GBP, which comes around 1,591 GBP monthly. These funds are given to beneficiaries to cover their living expenses including the accommodation and travel. The scholarship covers the students for two and more years.

Oxford’s Rhodes scholarship is aimed at bringing people from diverse backgrounds to the varsity. Anyone who has an excellent academic record can apply for the same. Oxford says it looks for students who use their talents to full. There is no limit to what can comprise talent. This could be sports, music, or debate or any other activity where students can demonstrate teamwork. Oxford also looks at character and moral traits of applicants by looking at the profiles for any duty the applicant has fulfilled towards those from weaker sections of society and taken an interest in fellow beings.

“The scholarship seeks to recognise brilliance, leadership and the potential to make a positive difference in the world. As academic excellence is indeed important, but Cecil Rhodes emphasised the need for scholars who are not merely bookworms. Cleverness and quick thinking are also valued. In reality, what truly matters is the commitment to improving the lives of others, which can be demonstrated in various ways, including in your own community. You should also be prepared to discuss your future goals during the interview,” said Sayantan Biswas, Co-Founder of UniScholars.

How to Apply

Firstly, students need to understand the constituency they are from, which implies to country or region they belong to. Scholarships are place-based, the eligibility criteria, application requirements and selection process vary slightly depending on which constituency you are applying for.

For Indian students, application process can start after Class 12 as well as when a student is in the final year of their undergraduate degree. For those applying for the scholarship after completing studies till Class 12, the age limit is between 18 to 23 years. However, for degree holders the upper age is 27 years.

As part of the selection process, the selectors will check every application for eligibility and completeness. In case, any application is incomplete or misses the eligibility at any point, it will not move forward.

After this, applicants will be called for a preliminary interview. The final stage of selection is a social engagement over tea or dinner with the selection committee hosted by the Chairman. After meeting the students, there will be the last and final interview.

Those who get the scholarship need to apply to the University of Oxford. The scholarship cannot be deferred. If an applicant gets a scholarship in 2023, they need to apply for admission in October 2024.

Candidates need to submit documents including but not limited to educational transcripts, academic statement, personal statement, a CV, reference letters.

“Understand that Rhodes Scholarships cover various postgraduate programmes. Choose your field wisely to align with your career goals. Craft a compelling personal statement explaining your goals and contributions. Showcase your talents, leadership, and extracurricular activities beyond sports to demonstrate your energy and potential. Craft a compelling statement of purpose that illustrates your suitability for the scholarship. Rhodes values applicants who are actively involved in their communities and have a track record of making a difference. Make sure to highlight your community involvement in your application,” said Biswas.

Reference Letters: Types & Content

Often students get confused between academic and personal statement. Further, even though there are multiple letters of reference required, they are all not meant to be similar.

Out of the maximum of five reference letters, at least three should be by academics who have formally taught and graded the applicant. The academics need to comment on candidate’s academic ability and how well they think the candidate will perform at Oxford.

The referees might be asked to substantiate their claims by giving a ranking to the candidate, comment on their academic standing in comparison with other students on the same course at the same institution.

The remaining references need to testify for the character of the applicant. There can be one or two letters of character references. These should include applicant’s involvement in extra-curricular, and leadership activities. These reference letters need to comment on the moral force of student but in a critical manner. These can mention how a candidate used their skills to help those in need or help those around them.

Academic Vs Personal Statement

Like reference letters, statements also are of different types — academic and personal.

In the Academic Statement students need to justify how they are a right fit at the university, the subjects they choose, their academic trajectory and what they wish to pursue in future. They need to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the course they are selecting, why they are opting for it and how will it help them.

In the Personal Statement, applicants need to explain how they fit in the brief of a Rhodes Scholar. They need to demonstrate their qualities and how do they use them for the betterment of society.