SC reprimanded Delhi LG for delay in appointment: Said- take a decision in two weeks; Kejriwal said – does the Center want to overturn the SC order?

  • Hindi News
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  • Delhi DERC Chairperson Appointment Case; Arvind Kejriwal Govt Vs LG Vinay Saxena

New Delhi28 minutes ago

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LG Vinay Saxena has not approved the appointment of DERC chairperson even after lapse of 5 months.

The Supreme Court on Friday rapped LG Vinay Saxena over the delay in the appointment of DERC chairperson. He said that the Lieutenant Governor cannot insult the government like this. In fact, the LG had not agreed to the proposal to appoint the chairperson of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC). After this the Delhi government had reached the Supreme Court. The court has asked LG to take a decision in this matter in two weeks.

On the other hand, Arvind Kejriwal has also raised questions on the LG and the central government. He has asked whether the central government is conspiring to overturn the order of the Supreme Court by bringing an ordinance. Why is LG not following SC’s order? Why has he not signed the file of transfer of service secretary since 2 days. Are they waiting for the ordinance to come.

Arvind Kejriwal has raised questions on the central government and LG by tweeting.

Arvind Kejriwal has raised questions on the central government and LG by tweeting.

Delhi government wants to appoint retired high court judge
The Delhi government wants retired MP High Court judge Justice Rajiv Kumar Srivastava to be appointed as the chairperson of the DERC. For this, the government had sent the proposal to LG 5 months back. Delhi government’s counsel Abhishek Manu Singhvi said the LG has been postponing the proposal for months. LG is saying that he will have to take legal advice in this matter. On this, the court has asked the LG to take a decision within two weeks.

All the ministers of the Delhi Government have come to meet the Lieutenant Governor.

All the ministers of the Delhi Government have come to meet the Lieutenant Governor.

The transfer did not happen even after the order of the Supreme Court.
On May 11, the Supreme Court in its order had given the Delhi government the power of transfer and posting of officers. After this, the Delhi government had transferred the service secretary Ashish More, but the LG has not yet signed the file of his transfer.

The Delhi government is demanding the LG to clear this file. In this connection, all the ministers of the Delhi government reached the house of Lieutenant Governor Vinay Saxena on Friday. However, till now the LG has not met him, after which the minister sat on a dharna.

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