Saving hostages from Hamas is the biggest priority – council head

“I’m exhausted, but my residents are shattered, and the most pressing concern for us is the welfare of our missing residents and the hostages,” expressed Gadi Yarkoni, the head of Eshkol Regional Council responsible for the affected communities and kibbutzim, in an interview with Channel 12.

Yarkoni’s frustration was palpable, particularly in light of the hospital incident in Gaza.

“Our residents are missing or held hostage and we don’t have any knowledge of their condition,” Yarkoni added. “Families are desperate for answers, and those responsible for their abduction are not only Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad; they also include ordinary Gaza residents. So, when you sit here and discuss whether we target hospitals or not, it barely interests me. We didn’t start this war; they did. Mistakes happen in war, and the world, including [US President Joe] Biden, will understand that.”

Yarkoni continued, “If we were to strike that hospital, would it be devastating? Perhaps not. If there is a house filled with innocent civilians, while terrorists who have mercilessly killed our own residents hide beneath them, would someone shell that house?

Coexistence is impossible if Gaza is so dangerous

“We are not the same. I can’t fathom how we can live peacefully with them so close to our fence. Israel needs to shift its approach. We must prioritize our safety; this isn’t about seeking revenge. However, coexistence becomes impossible when they pose such a grave threat.”

Credit: Reuven Castro

He continued, “And now, if any of the residents of Gaza value human life, they should urge the terrorists to release our residents. Otherwise, they forfeit their right to exist. I implore the IDF and the State of Israel to complete this mission. Finish it decisively so that we can finally live in peace, and they will be dealt with accordingly. Otherwise, we won’t be able to remain in this region, and the border will inch closer to us. This is not just a test for Eshkol; it’s a test for the entire State of Israel. If the prime minister and defense minister fail in their duty, we cannot develop the region.”