Sadhus assaulted in Sangli, Maharashtra: 4 sadhus came from Mathura in UP, brutally beaten with sticks on suspicion of child theft

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Four Sadhus Have Been Brutally Attacked By The Villagers In Sangli, Maharashtra. Incident Happened In Lavanga Village Of Jat Taluka.

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All these sadhus were residents of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.

Four sadhus were brutally thrashed on suspicion of child theft in Sangli, Maharashtra. The four sadhus are residents of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. All these people were going from Bijapur to Pandharpur for darshan.

Photos of the beating of sadhus in Sangli…

Police said that local people stopped them while going to Pandharpur. On asking questions, these people could not understand each other because of the language. It was only after this that people suspected that all these were child-lifters. After that they started beating them. People beat the sadhus with sticks. Police also reached the spot. During this also people tried to get the sadhus out of the jeep.

The police have admitted all the sadhus to the hospital. No one is yet to comment on the position. Their statements will be recorded as soon as their condition improves. Till now no FIR has been registered in this case.

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