Russia becomes India’s largest oil supplier: Saudi Arabia and Iraq left behind, Pakistan is still seeking discount

New Delhi13 hours ago

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Russia became India’s largest oil supplier in October. According to energy cargo tracker Vortex, Russia supplied 935,556 barrels of crude oil to India every day in October. Which is 20.5 percent more than Iraq’s crude oil and 16 percent more than Saudi Arabia. This increase comes after Western sanctions on Moscow in the wake of the Ukraine war.

According to the report of Pakistani newspaper ‘Dawn’, the United States of America (USA) has not imposed any kind of restrictions on any country. While India has imported maximum oil from Russia, Pakistan is still asking for discount from Russia.

Dawn’s claim – no USA ban
According to the news of ‘Dawn’, the USA spokesperson has said – at present there is no ban on other countries against importing Russian oil. The decision in this regard is left to different countries. Hopefully they will take the right decision based on their circumstances. We will continue to coordinate with European countries, including India, to reduce the power of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the war against Ukraine in the global market.

Before the Russo-Ukraine war, Russia exported only 36,255 barrels of crude oil to India every day in December 2021. Iraq supplied 1.05 million bpd and Saudi Arabia supplied 952,625.

India benefited from the opposition of western countries
India is dependent on other countries to meet 85 per cent of its petroleum needs. When the West tried to stop the supply of crude oil to Russia. Due to which the prices of oil in the international markets jumped and Russia’s economics started messing up.

In such a situation, Vladimir Putin had decided to make Asian countries his customers by selling oil cheaply to keep his country’s economy good. India and China took advantage of this and both became the biggest customers of Russian oil. This can also be called a diplomatic victory of India.

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