Revealed in the Moosewala murder case: The planning of the murder started from the Jaipur Jail; Gangster Lawrence had threatened 8 months ago

JaipurOne hour agoWriter: Ranvir Choudhary

The strings of conspiracy to kill Punjabi singer Moosewala are being connected with Rajasthan. Sidhu’s murder was planned by Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldie Brar 8 months back. Notorious gangster Lawrence had made the first threat to Moosewala from Jaipur jail itself.

Actually Lawrence, Vikramjit Singh aka Vicky Middukheda and Goldie were college friends. Akali leader Vicky Middhukheda was murdered by two shooters on 7 August 2021 in Sector 71 of Mohali. Since then Lawrence and Brar have been planning to avenge their friend’s death.

Singer Sidhu was threatened with death from Jaipur jail

The post was released from the Facebook page of Lawrence Bishnoi claiming responsibility for the murder of singer Sidhu Musewala. in which it was written…

Ram Ram Bhai Sabko… I and my brother Goldie Brar take responsibility for the murder of Sidhu Musewala today. Whatever people call us… but it helped in the murder of our brother Vicky Middukheda. We have avenged our brother.

I called it from Jaipur saying you did wrong, it told me that I don’t care for anyone. Do whatever you can. I also keep weapons loaded. And today we have taken justice of our brother Vicky.

This is just the beginning…Whoever was involved in this murder, they should be ready…Today we have cleared everyone’s confusion. Jai… Balkari…

Lawrence Bishnoi’s Facebook post

Lawrence was lodged in Delhi’s Tihar Jail during that time. On September 25, about a month after Vicky’s murder, the Jaipur Police brought Lawrence to Jaipur on a production warrant for demanding a ransom of one crore from a builder in Jawahar Nagar. After interrogation, he was sent to Jaipur jail.

Jail IG Vikram Singh says that Lawrence and his associates did not have mobiles in Jaipur jail. The post which has been uploaded on social media in the name of Lawrence can also be fake. Many of his followers keep doing such posts.

After talking to the Jail IG, Bhaskar investigated the matter and it came to the fore that not only Jaipur, but Lawrence has a network in many jails of the country including Jodhpur, Ajmer. Here he has many henchmen who are ready to kill anyone at one gesture. Read the full report…

uploading photo from jail
At the age of 30, gangster Lawrence formed gangs in five states. Lawrence’s network extends to Thailand, UK, Canada. Through this network, he had brought Russian assault N-94 rifle to India to kill Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala.

Lawrence started building such a large network with student politics. In order to attract the youth towards him, Lawrence himself would do revolutionary projects like Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Lawrence joined the Student Organization of Panjab University (SOPU) and connected many youths with it.

When Lawrence entered the world of crime, he made prisons his safe house. He made millions of followers by putting his photos and revolutionary posts from jail on social media. Lawrence inducts the youth into the gang with dreams of leading a luxury life.

He had made a complete network of gangs in Jodhpur, Ajmer and Jaipur jails of Rajasthan. He had threatened to kill Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who was accused in the deer hunting case, to attract the youth towards him. Due to this, many young people angry with Salman Khan also became his followers.
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Multiple social media pages to engage youth
Bishnoi describes himself as a devotee of Shaheed Bhagat Singh. He made many of his pages on social media to connect the youth with the gang. Many photos and videos were uploaded on social media showing workout and body in jail. Lawrence used to upload photos with the gangsters with his every activity and gang in the jail. Due to this millions of youth started following him on social media. There are about 150 pages on Facebook under his name.
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Seeing Lawrence, youths formed a gang in Jodhpur by the name 007.
Seeing Lawrence’s status and stardom, many young people want to be like him. While in Jodhpur jail, Lawrence fired in film style outside the house of two famous businessmen and also got a businessman murdered.

After these incidents of Lawrence, a new gang of youths named Jodhpur 007 was formed. The youth of this gang also upload their photos and videos with weapons on social media like Lawrence on social media.

Targets youth
Lawrence Bishnoi joins the new youth coming to the jail by pretending to be a luxury life. He joins the new prisoners and financially weak youths coming to the jail in his gang. While living in Jodhpur, Lawrence committed crimes like murder, ransom, extortion by luring the youth with money.

Pawan Solanki and Khimanshu Gehlot, who killed mobile showroom operator Vasudev Israni in Jodhpur, met Lawrence Bishnoi in jail. On this Lawrence gave him the contract to kill Vasudev. He promised to give lakhs of rupees to both of them for killing them. He had also given money for the expenses while plotting the murder, but after the murder he did not get the money and his associates also had to go to jail.
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work for fun
Lawrence used to operate the entire gang from the jail itself. His henchmen get the work done by the local miscreants kept under him. Most of the workers are young people. They are made to work for hobbies and fun by giving liquor party and some money.

From ransom to supply of arms, many youths are employed. Everyone is given different responsibilities, but no one is told the identity of each other. Such works are done only by giving liquor parties.

If someone wants to kill, then shooters are called from other district, so that till the time of reconnaissance and committing the crime, no other gang and police will know about them until they kill.

Jail was made a safe house
On January 17, 2015, when the Punjab Police was taking Lawrence to present him in court, he escaped after dodging the police. After some time the police arrested him again. After this Lawrence never attempted to escape from prison. He made the jail a safe house.

Due to committing crime from jail, even the police are not able to get solid evidence against him. This is the reason why despite having more than 50 cases against Lawrence, he was acquitted in 30 cases.

Lawrence, Goldie and Vicky were college friends
Lawrence Bishnoi, Vikramjit Singh aka Vicky Middukheda and Goldie Brar were college friends. All three had studied from DAV College, Chandigarh. Here Lawrence contested the election of student union president from Sopu in 2008, but he was defeated. After this Vicky became the president of Sopu in 2009. After college, Vicky joined the Akali Dal and Goldie Brar joined the Congress. The friendship between the three continued even further.
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