Republic-Day parade will start half an hour late: 5000 common people will get entry, 19 thousand will be guests; No foreign chief guest for the second year in a row

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • India Republic Day Parade 2022 Update : No Chief Guest At Gantantra Diwas

3 hours ago

This time the Republic-Day parade will start half an hour late i.e. at 10.30, instead of starting at 10 am as usual. The Defense Ministry has taken this decision due to the forecast of fog in Delhi on 26 January.

Another major change in the Republic Day parade is that for the second year in a row, no foreign chief guest has been invited. Earlier, there was a preparation to invite the heads of state of 5 countries as guests in the Republic Day parade.

Only 24,000 people will get entry on Rajpath
In view of the third wave of corona virus in the country, only 24,000 people will be allowed to come to the Rajpath to watch the parade. Of these, 19,000 people will be guests coming through invitation, while only 5,000 of the general public will be given entry. These 5,000 people will have to buy tickets to watch the parade.

Last year too, due to Corona virus, only 25,000 people were given entry on the Rajpath, while about 1.25 lakh people had reached the Rajpath to watch the parade on January 26, 2020.

Stunts of women soldiers of security forces will also be a special attraction in the parade. Seema Bhavani, a team of women BSF jawans, is currently engaged in vigorous training at Rajpath.

No invitation to foreign chief guest due to Corona
According to the report of IANS, for the second year in a row, no foreign chief guest has been sent an invitation. The heads of state of the five countries that were decided earlier are also not being called now. These countries include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Even in these countries the situation of Corona is not very good. However, the report also said that the Ministry of External Affairs has not yet confirmed that invitations have not been sent to these countries.

The heads of many countries have become the chief guest at the same time.
If this time the heads of state of 5 countries attend the Republic-Day parade as chief guests, then this will be only the second time, when India will simultaneously receive a group of heads of several countries as chief guests. Earlier in 2018, the heads of state of ASEAN countries together became the chief guests in the Republic Day Parade.

This time, out of the 5 countries decided, only the head of state of Kazakhstan has been the chief guest in the Republic-Day parade once before. In 2009, the then President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev attended Republic Day as the chief guest.

Special care is also being taken regarding security on Republic Day.  For this, the security forces are continuously doing mock drills.

Special care is also being taken regarding security on Republic Day. For this, the security forces are continuously doing mock drills.

Last year, the arrival of the British PM was postponed.
According to sources, in view of the condition of the corona virus, the government does not want to take any risk in the case of foreign guests. Therefore, the plan to call them is likely to be cancelled. Last year too, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was called as the chief guest, but later his visit was suddenly canceled due to the massive increase in the cases of corona virus in Britain.

Even before the parade has been held without a foreign chief guest.
According to the report of IANS, the Republic Day parade has already been organized without any foreign chief guest. Indira Gandhi took oath as PM on 24 January after the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died in January 1966. That year also, no foreign chief guest was invited to the parade ceremony.

10 huge LED screens will show the performance of the army before the parade
A Defense Ministry official said that 10 giant LED screens are being installed at Rajpath. Of these, 5 will be on one edge, while 5 will be placed on the other. Before the parade starts on these screens, footage of the old Republic Day parade and short films of the three wings of the army will be played. Once the parade starts, it will be telecast live on these screens.

This will also be seen in the parade

  • 75 fighter aircraft and helicopters will take part in the traditional flypast
  • These include Rafale, Sukhoi, Jaguar, Mi-17, Sarang, Apache and Dakota.
  • Airforce pilots will make 15 different types of fly-past formations in the parade.

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