‘Recovery Not Possible, Organs Malfunctioning’, Tweets Pakistan’s Ex-Prez Pervez Musharraf’s Family

Pakistan’s former President Pervez Musharraf, 78, has been “hospitalised for three weeks” and at a stage where “recovery is not possible and organs are malfunctioning”, according to a statement from his family on his Twitter handle.

The tweet read: “He is not on the ventilator. Has been hospitalized for the last 3 weeks due to a complication of his ailment (Amyloidosis). Going through a difficult stage where recovery is not possible and organs are malfunctioning. Pray for ease in his daily living.”

Earlier in the day, Ifzaal Siddique, President of Musharraf’s party All Pakistan Muslim League, Overseas, tweeted: “Dear All, General Pervez Musharraf is at home bit ill though but fully alert as usual, please don’t listen to fake news. Just pray for his good health, Ameen.”

Musharraf is at a hospital in the UAE, his close aide and former information minister Fawad Chaudhry told PTI.

Chaudhry, who was the information minister in the Imran Khan government, was once a media spokesperson for Musharraf.

He said that he spoke to Musharraf’s son who confirmed his illness. “I have just spoken to Gen Musharraf’s son Bilal in Dubai who confirmed that he (Musharraf) is on ventilator,” Chaudhry said.

He was earlier admitted to a hospital in Dubai after he developed “heart- and blood pressure-related” complications, according to media reports.

In 2018, there were reports of how he was suffering from an unspecified ailment and could not return to Pakistan now or even attend court hearings against him.

“Musharraf had a fracture in his spine, for which he got treated in the USA. But nowadays he is being treated for a separate ailment. For this, he has to go to London after every three months,” Muhammad Amjad, a former chairman of APML, the party founded by Musharraf, had said.

Musharraf has difficulty in standing and walking, claimed Dawn News reports in 2018, revealing he was suffering from amyloidosis.

Musharraf, who has been living in Dubai since March 2016, is facing treason charges for suspending the Constitution in 2007 over the imposition of extra-constitutional emergency, a punishable offence for which he was indicted in 2014.

The former army chief left for Dubai for medical treatment and has not returned since, citing security and health reasons.

Musharraf, who ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008, has been declared a fugitive in the Benazir Bhutto murder case and Red Mosque cleric killing case.

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