Recognition of AAP should be cancelled: Retired bureaucrats demand from Election Commission; Said- Kejriwal is using government people for elections

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • De recognise AAP, Former Bureaucrats Write To EC, Slamming ‘Blatant Efforts To Politicise Civil Servants’

New Delhi3 hours ago

57 retired bureaucrats have written a letter to the Election Commission to cancel the recognition of the ruling Aam Aadmi Party of Delhi and Punjab. The letter said that AAP’s convener Arvind Kejriwal has used government employees for election campaign. Efforts are being made through him to win the Gujarat assembly elections.

The bureaucrats have referred to a press conference of Arvind Kejriwal held in Rajkot on 3rd September in the letter. He wrote that the Chief Minister of Delhi has repeatedly reiterated that the government employees should work for the victory of the AAP party.

Many allegations against Kejriwal
Retired bureaucrats said that the government employees of Gujarat are being used by Kejriwal to campaign for his party. Kejriwal has appealed to home guards, policemen, Anganwadi workers, government drivers to work for the party in the coming elections.

Bureaucrats say that the job of a civil servant in any state is only to deliver government schemes to the people. He has nothing to do with politics. He cannot work for any party, but in his press conference, CM Kejriwal has asked him to campaign for the party many times.

Retired bureaucrats said that Kejriwal has appealed to government employees to work for the party in the coming elections.

rising public confidence
In the letter written in the Election Commission, it has been claimed that after these statements of Arvind Kejriwal, the general public is losing faith in the government employees. The general public is now feeling as if every government employee works for some political party.

Bureaucrats are wrong to consider Kejriwal’s ‘free’ policy
Not only this, retired bureaucrats said that Kejriwal has talked about free electricity, education and putting 1000 rupees in the account of women if the Aam Aadmi Party gets support. Whereas most of the bureaucrats are considering this policy of Kejriwal as wrong. Not only this, Kejriwal has also appealed to government employees to work for the party by luring them many times. In view of all these statements, a demand has been made from the Election Commission to cancel the membership of Aam Aadmi Party.

Kejriwal has said that if the party gets support, free electricity, education and 1000 rupees will be deposited in the account of women.

Kejriwal has said that if the party gets support, free electricity, education and 1000 rupees will be deposited in the account of women.

Whose signature is in the letter?
Former Chief Secretary of Kerala Anand Bose, Former IAS RD Kapoor, Former IAS Saurabh Chandra, Former IAS K Sridhar Rao, Former IAS Abhik Ghosh, Former IAS CS Khairwal, Former IRS SK Goyal, Former IFS Niranjan Desai, Former IFA Satish Mehta, Former IFS Bhaswati Mukherjee, Vidyasagar, Bala Shetty, Former IPS Umesh Kumar, M. Mohan Raj, Nirmal Kaur, Mahesh Singhla, Sheela Priya, G. Prasanna Kumar, Sanjay Dixit, PB Ramamurthy are included in the signature letter of many former officers.

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