Reasons Why You Must Not Skip Out on Biotin Intake

Biotin is one of the most widely used supplements these days, people are taking it to prevent hair loss and strengthen their hair.

If you are wondering where you can biotin, then include meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables in your daily diet.

Despite burning our pockets on expensive skincare products and fancy shampoos, witnessing hair fall every day in the morning or acne breakouts every next week has become a part of our daily routine. Amidst the battle with hair fall and skin issues, if you are also struggling with brittle nails at regular intervals, then you have landed at the right spot as we bring you the one-stop solution for your problems. Also known as Vitamin B7, biotin aids in maintaining many of your body’s major systems. It works by breaking down the food into valuable energy and helps in maintaining the health of your nervous system, liver, eyes, hair, and skin. If you are wondering where you can biotin, then include meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables in your daily diet. Let’s take a deeper look into the benefits of biotin for hair, skin, and nails:

  1. Biotin is a cure for broken nails
    Several studies have shown that biotin is extremely helpful in strengthening the nails and further makes them grow faster. A study revealed that by consuming 2.5 milligrams of the supplement daily for more than 6 months, nail thickness increased by 25 per cent. Further, people facing the problems of brittle, splitting, or soft nails can attain healthier nails with biotin.
  2. Provides healthier hair
    Biotin is very well known for its positive impact on the health of your hair. Apart from giving back the long-lost shine to your hair, biotin tackles the issues like hair loss and hair fall. Also, biotin can be immensely credited for taming the frizziness of your hair.
  3. Gives healthier-looking skin
    Biotin is your one-stop solution to acquiring the much-loved glowy skin, which eventually makes it look healthier. Time and again it has been recorded that people who have been struggling with the deficiency of B7, faced issues like red and scaly rashes. Biotin plays a vital role in maintaining healthier skin.

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