Rat stole diamond necklace from jewelery shop: VIDEO went viral on social media, users said – Chuhiya will be very demanding

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • VIDEO Went Viral On Social Media, Users Said – Chuhiya Will Be Very Demanding

New DelhiOne hour ago

The rat stole the diamond necklace from the jewelry shop.

Some person has stolen gold, silver, diamond from a jewelery shop, such news is often heard. But a rat stole a diamond necklace from a jewelry shop, it is very strange to hear. A video of a rat stealing a diamond necklace is going viral. In this 30-second video, it can be seen that a rat jumped up and sat on the diamond set on the display. Not only this, the mouse took out the necklace from the display and immediately disappeared from there.

The mouse disappeared after taking out the diamond set from the display.

This video has been shared by IPS officer Hingankar on social media. Wrote in the caption – Now for whom would this rat have taken the diamond necklace. 90 thousand people have liked the video so far. One user wrote in the comment – ​​He must have taken the necklace for his wife Chuhiya, while one wrote that Chuhiya would be very demanding. Some people even said that the rat is preparing for Valentine’s Day.

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