Rape of 4-year-old girl in Hyderabad school: The principal’s driver was raping her for 2 months, parents beat her with sticks

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Hyderabad: Child Raped In School By Principal’s Driver; Accused Arrested

Hyderabad9 minutes ago

A case of rape of a 4-year-old girl from DAV Public School in Hyderabad has come to light. The personal driver of the school principal was making the girl a victim of his lust for almost two months. Police has arrested him. The principal is absconding since the incident.

Police have registered a case against the accused driver Rajni Kumar under section 376 and POCSO Act. A case was registered against the principal under section 21 of POCSO i.e. non-reporting.

Parents beat up the accused fiercely
The incident took place in Banjara Hills of the city. On Tuesday, after the FIR was registered in this case, the girl’s parents and the police reached the school. On seeing the driver here, the parents broke down on him. beaten with sticks. The police somehow rescued him and arrested him and took him away.

Protesting social organizations raised slogans of ‘We want justice’ and demanded the arrest of the principal.

The girl was silent, was getting weak
The girl’s mother said that my 4-year-old girl was running depressed for several days. She wasn’t even talking to anyone. She has become very weak mentally and physically. Not even answering any questions. On Tuesday, he told us the whole incident, then we went to the police station to complain.

people performed
The girl’s parents, local people and school students have been protesting since Tuesday. They are demanding action against the school authorities. The girl’s family says that why was the personal driver of the principal allowed inside the school? If such incidents kept happening for months, why didn’t any teacher stop?

The protesters have demanded the arrest of the principal and school staff. They say that if they are not arrested, the evidence may be tampered with.

The protesters say that if the principal is not arrested, the evidence may be tampered with.

The protesters say that if the principal is not arrested, the evidence may be tampered with.

Rape happened in front of principal’s chamber
Many school children are afraid of the driver. The accused has carried out the incident in the lab located opposite the principal’s chamber. He used to threaten the girl that if he told about the incident to anyone, he would not leave her.

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