Rape case on minister’s son, attack on the victim: said – threw something in the face, threatened – this is a trailer, will do badly

Jaipur13 minutes ago

An attempt has been made in Delhi to attack the girl who accused the water supply minister Mahesh Joshi’s son Rohit Joshi of rape. Something was thrown at the victim’s face in Delhi’s Okhla at around 9:30 pm on Saturday night. The victim was then admitted to the trauma center of AIIMS. Where his treatment was going on till late night. Victim says – Her face is burning and has become worse. However, it was not confirmed what kind of chemical was thrown on the face.

The victim told that around 9:30 pm some miscreants came and left after throwing something on her face. On the way, the miscreants threatened that if he did not withdraw the case registered against Rohit, he would make it worse. This is just a trailer. At the time of this incident, the victim could not even see how the miscreants had come. The local police were informed after the attack.

Let us inform that a girl resident of Jaipur has lodged a case of rape and blackmailing against Rohit in Delhi police station. The investigation of this matter is going on. At the same time, Rohit has also been granted anticipatory bail in this case by Delhi’s Tis Hazari Court. Earlier on Friday, Rohit was also questioned by Delhi Police for 6 hours. After this his mobile was confiscated on Saturday.

Rohit appeared in the police station again
Rohit Joshi again reached the police station on Saturday. Rohit was taken to Delhi’s Hindu Rao Hospital for medical examination. Rohit’s lawyer Deepak Chauhan said that the police had demanded the former mobile for investigation. The mobile has been handed over to the police. Rohit appeared before the Investigating Officer (IO) of the case at Delhi’s Sadar Bazar police station at 12:30 pm.

The interrogation lasted till around 4.30 pm. Rohit Joshi is cooperating in the investigation as per the directions of the court. In the evening, the family members of the victim started getting calls to the media persons, in which it is being told that someone has poured flammable material on the girl. Due to this he is admitted in AIIMS.

Rohit has to appear in the police station again tomorrow
Rape case accused Rohit Joshi has to appear before the IO again tomorrow. The IO has yet to answer many questions from Rohit. Questions are also to be answered with Rohit regarding the incident which allegedly happened with the fellow girl.

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