Rain-land slide alert in Uttarakhand: Avalanche came in Kedarnath, stones fell from mountain in Joshimath; Chardham Yatra has to be done carefully

Amritsar5 hours ago

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Avalanche came near Kedarnath.

The effect of Western Disturbance is still continuing in Uttarakhand. Incidents of land sliding are continuously coming to the fore with the rains. It is also affecting Char Dham Yatra and Hemkund Sahib Yatra. Ever since the avalanche that came near Kedarnath last day, there is an atmosphere of fear among the passengers. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department has continued the Yellow Alert for the next 4 days. That is, travel, but also take care of yourself.

Please tell that once again an avalanche came in Kedarnath Dham on Thursday. An avalanche occurred in the hills towards Chorabari Tal, 4 km from the temple. The incident is being told in the morning. Snow smoke was visible for about 5 minutes after the avalanche. After which there was panic among the devotees. During this, only smoke of snow was visible for about 4 to 5 minutes. However, after a few minutes, when the smoke of snow dispersed, people heaved a sigh of relief.

It rained in Uttarakhand this month.

It rained in Uttarakhand this month.

This is the fifth incident of Avalanche
In the June 2013 disaster, a large amount of debris and water came from this route. In which many people lost their lives. This is being told the fifth incident of Avalanche in the last 10 months. Last year in September-October also there was an avalanche in the same area.

Land slide in joshi math.

Land slide in joshi math.

Landslide to Badrinath road closed
NTPC’s tunnel is being built for the hydro power project in Helang Valley near Joshimath. It is being claimed that on Thursday, there was a blast for some construction work below in the valley, after which a part of the mountain broke down and fell on the road. After this terrible landslide, the road leading to Badrinath has been completely destroyed.

Avalanche also happened during Hemkund Yatra
On the Hemkund Yatra route also, 6 passengers were buried under snow last Sunday after being hit by an avalanche. Rescue operation was conducted in time, after which 5 passengers were saved, but the body of a woman was recovered.

Alert issued by the Meteorological Department.

Alert issued by the Meteorological Department.

meteorological department alert
According to the Meteorological Department, Yellow Alert is going to remain for the coming 4 days. It can rain here, strong winds can blow. This alert has been given keeping in mind the entire Uttarakhand. In such a situation, people need to take care of themselves while traveling to Char Dham.

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