Railway News: Railway cancels confirmed ticket, orders to pay Rs 35,000 fine to female passenger – Rail Hunt

NAGPUR: The Nagpur District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ordered the Railways to pay a fine of Rs 35,000 on the complaint of the woman, holding the Railways guilty of service. Complaint case no. While hearing on CC/275/2020, the Commission gave this decision on 21 October. This includes a fine of Rs 25,000 for the inconvenience caused to the female passenger and Rs 10,000 for the costs incurred in the case. Till now no further action has been taken by the Railways on the order.

R Sridevi, a resident of Nagpur’s Gokulpeth Gokulpeth, had booked an online ticket for 14 February 2020 in the Duronto Express from Nagpur to Mumbai. He had also taken withdrawal for 16 February 2020. On the day of the journey, when she boarded the train, the TTE vacated her berth saying her ticket was fake and also charged a fine of Rs 1,115. In compulsion, he had to travel by sleeping on the floor. Later she returned with the same day’s journey ticket. Sridevi put this matter in the Nagpur District Consumer Forum.

On the complaint of the woman, it was told in the Consumer Forum by the Central Railway that the ticket on which the woman was traveling was included in 14 unauthorized tickets booked by a travel agent. It was cancelled. That’s why the woman was not given a berth. Commission’s chairman Atul D Alsi, members Chandrika K Bais and Subhash R Ajane called it a flaw in the service of the railways. The commission argued that the railways failed to convey the message of cancellation of ticket to the passenger before the commencement of the journey. Had the message reached the passenger, she could have made alternate arrangements.

The commission said that the complainant is neither an accused nor he is alleged to have been involved in the offense in relation to the fake ticket. Cancellation of ticket without prior notice or failure to make alternate arrangements for the scheduled journey by the Railways is treated as deficiency in service. For the inconvenience and mental agony caused to the complainant, the opposite party is liable to pay compensation. After this, the Consumer Forum (DCDRC) directed the Central Railway to pay a compensation of Rs 35,000 to the victim passenger.

#DistrictConsumerDisputesRedressalCommission #DCDRC #RailwayGuiltyOfService PayFine Rs35,000 #IndianRailway