Raid in Jhajjar hotels in Haryana, VIDEO: Seeing the police, there was a stampede, young men and women jumped from the roof; 7 including 5 girls arrested on suspicion of sex racket

Jhajjar4 hours ago

In Haryana’s Jhajjar, suddenly the police raided the hotels on Thursday. As soon as they came to know about this, the young men and women started running away from the rooms. To avoid arrest by the police, she jumped from the roof and many hid.

However, the police laid siege and caught everyone. In this action 5 girls and 2 men were arrested. He is being questioned about this. Police say that this raid was done after getting information about sex racket.

Policeman pulling out the hiding girl by jumping from the roof.

There was a stampede in the hotel as soon as the police arrived
The police started the raid around 12 noon. First of all the police went to a hotel located near the old bus stand road. As soon as the police reached there, there was a stampede in the hotel. During this many couples were seen running. From the spot, the police made 2 women sit in the car. After that, going to a nearby guest house, the police caught a young woman and a young man, then the police team took them to the police station.

The police team carrying the girl found during the hotel raid.

The police team carrying the girl found during the hotel raid.

young man and woman jumped from the roof
When the police team reached a hotel located at Chhara Chungi at around 1 pm, the high voltage drama was witnessed for a long time. From the spot, the police caught 2 girls and made them sit in the car. During this, a young man was seen jumping from the roof of the hotel, a girl was also with him. Then the people standing outside started shouting. When the police reached the top, the young man and the woman had jumped from the roof and reached the nearby roof. The young man managed to run away but the girl failed to run away.

girls jumping off the roof

girls jumping off the roof

The girl said- … just leave me
When the girl failed to jump from the terrace after the young man ran away, she sat there for about 15 minutes. After that, the police again took the girl to the roof of the hotel through the wooden stairs. During this, the girl told the police that take whatever money you want, but leave it.

The girl sitting hiding her face when the police raided.

The girl sitting hiding her face when the police raided.

But the police did not listen to the girl and took her to the police station after making her sit in the car. The way the young man and the woman were seen jumping, there was a fear of a big accident. Because there was no house around. In such a situation, jumping from the four-storey roof was not free from danger.

Police raided many hotels in Jhajjar.

Police raided many hotels in Jhajjar.

DAP said – complaints were being received
DSP Rahul Dev told that complaints were being received continuously from some hotels in the city. For this reason the raid was conducted on Thursday. These people were spreading filth in the society. Which has been cleared by the police. He said that action will also be taken against the hotel owner in this matter.

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