Rahul Gandhi will come to Mansa today: Punjabi singer Sidhu will go to Musewala’s house and express grief to his parents; Will surround the government on law and order

Chandigarh3 minutes ago

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Rahul Gandhi will reach the house at Musa village of Mansa in Moosewala at around 12 noon.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is reaching Mansa today. He will reach Musa village around 12 noon. Here he will express grief by meeting Balkaur Singh, father of Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala and mother Sarpanch Charan Kaur. Sidhu Musewala was shot dead on the evening of 29 May. Rahul Gandhi had earlier expressed grief over the murder through social media. Rahul had said – Shocked and saddened by the murder of promising Congress leader and talented artist Sidhu Musewala. My condolences to his fans and fans from all over the world.

After joining Congress, Sidhu Musewala went to Delhi and met Rahul Gandhi.

After joining Congress, Sidhu Musewala went to Delhi and met Rahul Gandhi.

Musewala contested from Congress
Sidhu Musewala has been close to Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Vading. Musewala had joined the Congress before the last assembly elections. He also contested from Mansa seat on Congress ticket. However, he lost to Dr. Vijay Singla of Aam Aadmi Party. After this the AAP government reduced his security. The very next day Musewala was killed.

The problems of the Aam Aadmi Party government increased
Aam Aadmi Party’s troubles have increased due to the Moosewala massacre. In the election, Punjabis gave him 92 seats out of 117. Despite this, the law and order situation in the state is poor. The failure of the government, Punjab Police and the state’s intelligence agencies has directly come to the fore in the Moosewala murder. Despite the threat, he downgrades Moosewala’s security.

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