Punjab Govt Gives Imran Khan’s Party 24 Hours To Hand Over ‘Terrorists’ Hiding In Ex-PM’s Home

The interim Punjab government in Pakistan on Wednesday gave a 24-hour deadline to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to hand over “30-40 terrorists that have taken refuge” at former prime minister Imran Khan’s Zaman Park residence in Lahore to the police, Dawn reported.

Punjab Interim Information Minister Amir Mir said those holed up at Imran Khan‘s residence included the attackers who set on fire the Lahore Corps Commander house during violence earlier this month.

“PTI should handover these terrorists or the law will take its course,” Mir said while addressing a press conference in Lahore. He said the government was aware about the presence of these “terrorists” as it had credible intelligence reports.

Mir said interim Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi had given a “freehand” to the Punjab Police to deal with “arsonists”, Geo News reported.

The minister alleged that Khan had been targeting the military since over a year. “PTI is starting to behave like a non-state actor. The PTI leadership had planned the attack before the arrest (Imran Khan),” Mir said.

Earlier this month, in retaliation to Imran Khan’s dramatic arrest, his supporters stormed the Army headquarters in Rawalpindi and torched the historic Corps Commander’s House in Lahore, formerly known as Jinnah House.