Priyanka Chopra Answers Question on Having Kids With Nick Jonas: ‘Not Too Busy to Practice’

The personal life of celebrities is always a subject of curiosity for fans, and Priyanka Chopra is one such celeb, whose every action- be it personal or professional, is scrutinised thoroughly. After her marriage with Nick Jonas in 2018, people have always been asking the global icon about her plans of having kids with the US pop star. In a recent interaction with Vanity Fair, The Matrix 4 actress spoke about her personal life, her marriage and her plans of having a family.

She told the portal, “They’re (children) a big part of our desire for the future. By God’s grace, when it happens, it happens.” When pointed out that both of them are too busy in their lives right now, the actress replied, “No, we’re not too busy to practice.”

She then added that both Nick and she is okay with slowing down once a kid enters their lives.

Priyanka also reacted to the scrutiny surrounding her social media activities. Speaking with the portal, just a few days after the surname-dropping episode, Priyanka called the microscope placed on her social media activities as a ‘professional hazard’ but confessed it was a vulnerable feeling.

For the uninitiated, Priyanka had dropped both her surnames from her Instagram handle, giving birth to the speculations that her marriage is in trouble.

“It’s a very vulnerable feeling, actually, that if I post a picture, everything that’s behind me in that picture is going to be zoomed in on, and people are going to speculate. It’s just a professional hazard…. Because of the noise of social media, because of the prevalence that it has in our lives, I think it seems a lot larger than it is. I think that we give it a lot more credence in real life, and I don’t think it needs that,” she said.

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