Pragya Thakur’s entry in Junaid-Nasir murder case: Gorakshak reached Haryana to meet the family, said- Rajasthan’s Congress government killed the child

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  • Pragya Singh Thakur Member Of The Lok Sabha | Pragya Singh Thakur Haryana Nuh Visit Update Junaid Nasir Murder Case

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BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh Pragya Thakur has also been entered in the Junaid-Nasir murder case of Rajasthan. Pragya Thakur reached Shaheed Hasan Khan Medical College, Nalhar, Nuh, Haryana on Monday. Here he met Kamlesh, wife of Srikant, accused in the Junaid-Nasir murder case. Kamlesh’s 9-month-old child had died due to the alleged assault by the Rajasthan Police.

After this Pragya Thakur said that the Congress government of Rajasthan has committed a sin by killing the child in the womb. Whose punishment they will have to face.

Pragya said – Uterus ruptured due to police beating
Pragya Thakur said that there can be no bigger sin than troubling anyone in this way and thrashing a woman and aborting her pregnancy. At the house of Gobhakt Shrikant, his pregnant wife of Rajasthan Police was beaten up. His whole month was going on but the Rajasthan Police kicked him in the stomach.

Due to which her uterus burst and the child died. Where is this justice? In this case, the amount of condemnation of Rajasthan Congress government is less. The child who was not even born was killed by the murderers. There can be no bigger sin than this.

with the victim’s family
Pragya Thakur said that she is with the family of the cow protector. They don’t need to worry about anyone. Full help will be given to them. If anything comes up, I am ready to help.

FIR registered on Rajasthan Police
Shrikant is a named accused in the Junaid Nasir murder case. Whose house was raided by the Rajasthan Police last week. Srikanth’s family alleges that during this, the Rajasthan Police also assaulted Srikanth’s pregnant wife Kamlesh. Due to which the 9-month-old child in her womb died. After this, a case has been registered against the Rajasthan Police in Nuh for assault and miscarriage.

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