Posting of GM… Railway Department! Opposite!! Turn !!! Then the opposite!!!! – Rail Hunt

Regarding GM’s posting, if you are sure that what we have done is correct, then you tell the whole country, why? How did it happen? The whole country can only expect such a thing from you!

Prempal Sharma

In the context of India, this French phrase sounds somewhat correct. are making. The morale of the officer/employee is the most important thing in any organization/department. It is also said, “Wars are not fought with guns only, they are fought with the hands that handle them! ,

After a lot of work, who will become the general manager? It was decided, but transparency is nowhere to be seen in it! How would one explain to himself where he made a mistake? In what direction will it need to improve further? Will one be able to be sure about his career in future?

Won’t all these things put an end to his creativity and ability to do better? If your decision is right, then you should make it public! Tell me! Quantify it! Why was this selected? And why did the rest remain?

Some cracks and fault lines are very clear. There is not a single officer of Civil Services – IRTS, IRPS and IRAS – or other departments in this, and there will be no in the coming time! Then there is a complete question mark on the UPSC exam itself.

The biggest benefit of the information revolution has been in removing corruption and will continue to happen in the future. Right to information has brought transparency from the results of university examinations, to the keys/answers of questions. In my opinion, the right to information has proved to be the best weapon of democracy after independence, provided that the government implements it sincerely, in every department!

But if there is no transparency in the department in which you are elected, then how will you be able to motivate your army? These are questions that are bothering everyone, and there is an urgent need to put forth the facts with complete transparency on the part of the Ministry. Good steps need to be presented with the same transparency.

Meanwhile, the good news came that the decision to form Indian Railway Management Services (IRMS) and conduct two separate examinations is set to change. This will be a very good step because the examination of technical and non-technical professionals cannot be the same. In the era of specialization that we have entered, the formula of “Sab dhan bis peseri” cannot work!

A wise person is the one who accepts his mistake immediately and any society, person, country moves forward with such steps. I remember the point of academic scientist Professor Yashpal – who was the chairman of Baste Ka Boz / Burden from Bag Committee and later also became the chairman of National Curriculum Framework 2005, that those who do not get selected in IIT, they are a regret for their whole life. They live in pain and despair, but those who get selected also do not become very good citizens after going through this whole rattmar, damtodu exam!

I have the same opinion about the posting of GM. There will be disturbance on both sides and it will not be in the interest of Railways. If you are sure that what we have done is right, then you tell the whole country, why? How did it happen? The whole country can only hope like this! Under the Right to Information, so much hope is made for the whole country! Who knows, the people of the court should reach the court regarding this matter and the time of the institutions of the whole country is wasted!

With best wishes for the future of Indian Railways!!!!

Prempal Sharma, Former Executive Director/Joint Secretary, Ministry of Railways, Government of India, New Delhi, 8 November 2022, Mob. 99713 99046.

#PrempalSharma #GMPosting #RailwayBoard #IndianRailways