Parents thrash teacher in Tamil Nadu: Accused of thrashing girl child, couple arrested; Police said – the girl had lied

Chennai3 minutes ago

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In Tamil Nadu, the parents of a second class girl beat up the teacher in the school. He alleges that the teacher had beaten his seven-year-old girl, while the teacher denied the allegation. The police said that the girl had told a lie. The couple and the child’s grandfather have been arrested. The incident is of a government school in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu.

A video of the incident has surfaced. In which the girl’s parents went to the class and started arguing with the teacher. The child’s mother Selvi is telling the teacher that it is illegal to beat a child. Who gave you this right? I will beat you with my slippers. Due to the argument, other teachers and children of the school gathered.

During this, the child’s father Shivalingam started beating the teacher. The scuffle between the two increased a lot. The people present there tried to stop the girl’s father, but he did not agree and kept beating the teacher.

The girl fell down while changing the seat, went home and said that the teacher beat her
Police said investigation revealed that the girl was not paying attention to studies, so the teacher had asked her to change her seat. She was about to sit on the second seat when she fell. When she reached home after school, she lied to her grandfather that the teacher had beaten her.

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