Pakistan’s Attempt to Cause Trouble During PM Modi’s Greece Visit Foiled – News18

An attempt to create unrest by Pakistan during PM Modi’s visit to Greece by using elements backed by the Pakistan embassy in Greece has been foiled by Greek authorities. (Image: Greek City Times/Pakistan Embassy)

PM Modi Greece Visit: Pakistan sponsored a group to malign India’s image during PM Modi’s visit to Greece but the Greek authorities foiled that bid.

A Pakistani bid to create disruption during PM Modi’s visit to Greece has been foiled by local authorities and police officers, people familiar with the developments told News18.

Members of the so-called “Greek Association of Friends of Kashmir” planned a protest announced for Friday afternoon in Omonia in Central Athens but police officers banned the protest citing a serious threat, Greek news outlet the Greek City Times said in a report.

People mentioned above told News18 that Pakistan was desperate in its attempt to malign the image of Prime Minister Modi but its propaganda was exposed.

“The ban is imposed as there is a serious threat of disruption of socio-economic life in the specific area from the holding of the above gathering,” Greek authorities said.

“The above prohibition is imposed as the disruption of socio-economic life in the specific area is seriously threatened by the holding of the above gathering,” the notification, issued by the Athens Police Department, accessed by the Greek City Times said.

The people mentioned above said that the group is sponsored by Pakistan.

Greece is aware that there is a nexus between Pakistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan to create instability in Cyprus and Pakistan has agreed to help Turkey, which has created instability in the island-nation.

Cyprus has been divided since Turkish forces occupied the island’s northern third since 1974. The statehood of the republic Turkish Cypriot leaders proclaimed in 1983 is recognised only by Ankara which calls the breakout territory Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Ankara is also accused of fostering enmity between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots which have led to clashes. Turkish Cypriot forces were accused of assaulting UN peacekeepers last week when the latter attempted to block the construction of a controversial road in the buffer zone dividing Cyprus.

The European Union and Washington both blamed the altercation on the Turkish-backed administration.

The UN Security Council issued a statement after a closed-door meeting on the emerging crisis warning that “attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute crimes under international law”.

The 15-member council also “called for the removal of all unauthorised constructions and the prevention of unauthorised military or civilian activities within and along the ceasefire lines”. Turkey called the UN statement unfair.

Pakistan has remained tight-lipped but on several occasions but in 2021 President Arif Alvi pledged solidarity with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

(with inputs from Shalinder Wangu)