Omicron variant scare: Third COVID wave has hit Maharashtra, says health expert

Image Source: PTI.

A BMC health worker collects swab samples of outstation passengers for COVID test in Mumbai.


  • 144 cases of Omicron variant of COVID were reported in Maharashtra in last 24 hours
  • 797 Omicron cases have been reported in Maharashtra so far including 330 recoveries
  • Daily positive cases in Mumbai will soon cross 40,000, says health expert

According to the health bulletin issued today, 144 cases of Omicron variant of COVID-19 were reported in Maharashtra in the last 24 hours. Of these, Mumbai tops the chart with 100 cases, followed by Nagpur with 14 cases, Thane and Pune with seven cases each, Pimpri-Chinchwad with six cases and Kolhapur with five cases.

Amravati, Ulhasnagar and Bhivandi Nizampur reported two Omicron cases each while Panvel and Osmanabad reported one Omicron case each. As per the bulletin, 797 Omicron cases have been reported in the state so far including 330 recoveries.

While speaking to India TV, the Head of Coordination Committee of private hospitals in Mumbai and advisory member of Maharastra Covid Task Force, Dr Gautam Bhansali clearly stated that the situation is getting worst and it is a matter of big concern in Maharashtra.

He anticipated that the figure of daily positive cases in Mumbai will soon cross 40,000.

“The third wave of coronavirus pandemic has almost hit the state of Maharashtra”, Dr Gautam said.

But, Dr Bhansali also mentioned that the omicron variant is not that dangerous as what the nation has faced in the second wave of coronavirus. He advised people to follow corona guidelines by wearing face masks and maintaining proper social distancing.

“No special medicine should be given to any of the infected patient as majority cases are getting treated during home isolation. The doubling rate has reached at a higher stage which is a matter of concern,” Dr Gautam added.

BMC issued guidelines for all the private hospitals in Mumbai to vacate beds till January 10 and also make all the necessary arrangements for the patients.

Also, Maharashtra reported 26,538 fresh COVID-19 cases and eight deaths in the last 24 hours, informed the state health bulletin. Of the new cases, Mumbai reported the highest number of infections at 15,166. As per the health bulletin, 67,576,032 cases have been reported in Maharashtra so far including 87,505 active cases.

With 5,331 recoveries reported in the last 24 hours, the recovery tally in the state mounted to 65,24,247.However, with the addition of new fatalities, the death toll in the state reached 141,581. The case fatality rate is 2.09 per cent.

Additionally, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) recently issued fresh guidelines for sealing buildings in Mumbai in view of rising COVID-19 cases in the state.As per these guidelines, the whole building or a wing of the building complex/society will be sealed if 20 per cent of the building or a wing of building society is affected with COVID-19 cases or at least 10 COVID-19 cases are detected in the affected flats in total.

The guidelines advise the patients and contacts to follow strictly the current guidelines of home quarantine and hygiene etiquettes during their time in quarantine.”Patients shall be isolated for atleast 10 days from onset of symptoms/testing (in case of asymptomatic patients) and no fever for three continuous days,” added the guidelines.

ALSO READ: Maharashtra records over 26,000 cases in 24 hours, Mumbai see maximum with tally past 15,000-mark

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