Ola-Uber and Rapido ban in Karnataka: Government orders suspension of auto services within 3 days; used to charge more rent

Bangalore4 minutes ago

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Karnataka government has asked online cab companies to stop auto service in the state within 3 days. The government has declared the auto service of Ola, Uber and Rapido illegal. If the order is not followed, a case will be registered against the company and the vehicle owner.

The move comes after complaints from passengers. A complaint was made to the Transport Department that the cab companies are charging a minimum fare of Rs 100 even if the distance is less than 2 km.

A complaint was made to the Transport Department that the cab companies are charging a minimum fare of Rs 100 even if the distance is less than 2 km.

A complaint was made to the Transport Department that the cab companies are charging a minimum fare of Rs 100 even if the distance is less than 2 km.

Action will be taken if the order is not obeyed
In September, the government had registered 292 cases related to overcharging. The government was receiving frequent complaints from passengers that the fares for autorickshaws run by online cab companies are too high. Keeping all these complaints in mind, the government has also issued notices to the cab companies and has also sought answers for increasing the fare.

In September, the government had registered 292 cases related to overcharging.  The fare for autorickshaws run by cab companies was very high.

In September, the government had registered 292 cases related to overcharging. The fare for autorickshaws run by cab companies was very high.

Auto union preparing to launch its own app
Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union (ARDU) in Bengaluru is preparing to launch its own app. The app named ‘Namma Yatri’ is to be launched on November 1. It will be launched in partnership with the Bacon Foundation, which is supported by Nandan Nilekani, co-founder of Infosys.

The union says that we are losing customers who have to pay more. That’s why we are launching the app. The fare of Namma Yatri app will be as per the fee fixed by the government.

Autorickshaw Drivers' Union (ARDU) in Bengaluru is preparing to launch its own app.  The app named 'Namma Yatri' is to be launched on November 1.

Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union (ARDU) in Bengaluru is preparing to launch its own app. The app named ‘Namma Yatri’ is to be launched on November 1.

What are the government rules?
According to the government guideline, the maximum fare for auto fare up to 2 km is fixed at Rs 30. After this, 15 rupees can be charged for every km.

Know about OLA on the go…

OLA CEO wants to make cab service global
Apart from India, Ola has started its cab service in Australia, New Zealand and UK. Company’s CEO Bhavish Aggarwal says that we have created a sustainable business model in India. Now we want to take it to the global level.

The second focus of the company is on making mobility environment friendly. Bhavish says that most of the population of India moves on two wheeler or three wheeler vehicles. If it is made electric, then it will see a big impact. We want to see one million electric vehicles on the road in the next few years.

The idea was born out of a quarrel with a taxi driver
The founder of Ola is Bhavish Aggarwal. He did his BTech from IIT Bombay in 2008. After college, he worked for two years at Microsoft Research. After this he started an online website Olatrip.com which used to plan holiday packages and weekend trips.

One day Bhavish booked a taxi from Bangalore to Bandipur. On the way, the taxi driver asked to pay more fare. When Bhavish refused, the driver left them midway and left. This trouble made him click an idea.

He realized that crores of people must have faced such a problem. Bhavish decided to convert his travel website into a cab service. He shared this idea with Ankit Bhati of IIT Bombay. Together they launched Ola Cabs on 3 December 2010.

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