Official Ludo Rules and Other Interesting Facts About the Popular Board Game

Ludo is one of the most exciting games on the planet and has many followers around the globe. The game is straightforward, and the rules that govern it are simple and make for a great pastime that people can enjoy and play when they are together.

To play Ludo online, you need an app from the online store that installs the game directly on your device and lets you enjoy it with your family and many other strangers online. When you enjoy the game with people, you get an excellent productive social experience on the internet, which is not always promised by other apps you might come across

Let’s see some interesting facts about the board game and discuss the rules that govern the game of Ludo and make it such a craze among the world’s people.

How to Win

The rules of Ludo are straightforward, and you do not need to concentrate on learning them by heart. If you play this famous Indian game of dice, you will understand that you only need a couple of rounds on the board to be aware of all the moves in Ludo.

To win Ludo, first, you must move all your pieces from your quadrant into the playing area as soon as possible. Once you have done that, you need to move them around the board towards your winning in a circular manner before your rivals so you can win the game before they do. To move one piece, you need to play a six which will unlock one piece on the board. After the piece is out, it can proceed with any number you play on the dice.

When you have all the pieces on the board, you have to distribute your figures on the dice in a strategic way so that all pieces can move forward and not get captured by the rival.

Capturing Pieces and Blocking

To capture an opponent’s piece, you must be behind them in the game and close up on them the sooner you get a chance. As you get close, you must play exact figures to land on the opponent, sending their piece back to their house. If the player wants to open the piece again, he has to play another six and begin from the start.

Blocking is a technique used rarely in the game but is quite helpful. To block an opponent, you must pile one piece over another and form a double or maybe a triple piece. The official rules state that this new token cannot be crossed, and if you want to cross it, you need to use another double piece to jump over them and move your pieces forward. To capture stacked pieces, you also need to use stacked pieces, and this is the part where the game gets very strategic and interesting.

Foul Plays

If you throw the dice outside of the board, then the play does not count. You have to throw the dice onto the board again. If the thrown dice lands outside, the turn is considered a foul.

If one player plays consecutive three sixes in a single turn, all the throws are counted as void, and you have to start all over again. To play the game properly, you have to play as many sixes as you want and pray that your dice do not land anywhere else, and you can avoid getting consecutive ones to make every turn count.

Origin of the Game

The game originated in India in the 8th century and was played by kings and rulers that belonged to the royal family. It was initially called Pasha, and people loved to indulge in it in their free time.

In Mahabharata, the Indian epic, there is mention of the game where Pandavas and Kauravas clash in a match of Ludo. The game ends with the Kauravas winning it as the dice used in the game belonged to Shakuni and had been influenced magically to turn in favor of the Kauravas. As the story unfolds, it becomes the sole reason behind the great war of Kurukshetra.

Akbar was a die-hard fan of the ludo game, and he played it in his royal court with his ministers and other favorite personnel. Ludo was played with real people used as tokens during that time, which made the game even more exciting and larger than life.

How the Game was Patented

In 1896, a British official visited India and was impressed by the game of Ludo. The Indian rulers had always had a penchant for impressing the Britishers, and they rightly did so this time with this game, and the official named Alfred Collier took it back to Europe and made it a thing of celebration. They gave an esteemed stature to the game, termed it Ludo, and added a glass bottle for holding the dice. The dice shape was changed from rectangular to cubic to give them a more suitable structure. It spread swiftly throughout Europe and was played by everyone worldwide after the game started to be produced more commercially.

Final Words

Ludo is a fantastic board game, and its fans seem to be increasing daily, majorly in the online section of the game. You can play Ludo with anyone from around the world with just the press of a button, and the simple rules make it a more exciting game. The rich Indian culture makes Ludo one of the best inventions to have lasted for centuries. In 2021 Ludo became the top grossing game among online gaming apps and had been growing ever since as the most popular board game among the majority of people worldwide.