Odisha: Dog Bites 8-year-old Boy, Police Registers Case Against Pet Owner

Last Updated: November 15, 2022, 10:58 PM IST

After this incident, other residents of the colony demanded that the dog should be put in the shelter house. (Representative image/Reuters)

Police have registered a complaint against the owner of the dog under Section 289 of the IPC and started an investigation

An eight-year-old boy was bitten by a neighbor’s pet dog while he was playing. The boy, who got severely injured, was rushed to a private hospital in Odisha’s Bhubaneswar by his family in critical condition. The incident took place on November 6.

The boy, named Arjun Khatei, was playing when the American Akita breed pet dog attacked him. Arjun’s mother filed a complaint at the Info city police station in Bhubaneswar against the owner of the dog under Section 289 of the IPC and started an investigation.

After this incident, other residents of the colony demanded that the dog should be put in the shelter house.

Meanwhile, Shrabni Patnaik, the owner of the dog, said that the dog did not bite anyone on purpose. He has been rearing the dog at home for many years. So it is not possible to take the dog out of the house. The two families pleaded to resolve the incident, but the police registered a case.

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