Notice to AAP to pay 163 crores in 10 days: Allegations of violation of SC guidelines, office may be sealed for non-payment

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  • Notice To AAP To Pay 163 Crores In 10 Days, Allegations Of Violation Of SC Guidelines

New Delhi13 minutes ago

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Aam Aadmi Party has been sent a recovery notice of Rs 163.62 crore for publishing political advertisements in the guise of government advertisements. Earlier, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi VK Saxena had directed the Chief Secretary to recover Rs 97 crore. Then the Directorate of Information and Publicity (DIP) sent a notice of Rs 163.62 crore, which includes Rs 99.31 crore as principal and Rs 64.31 crore as interest.

The department has directed you to pay this amount within 10 days. The DIP has said that AAP caused loss to the state exchequer by violating the Supreme Court guidelines on political advertisements. The notice states that if the payment is not made, there will be other legal action including sealing of the party’s office and attachment of the party’s properties.

Sisodia said – LG is misusing officers
Deputy CM Manish Sisodia has accused the Lieutenant Governor regarding the recovery notice that he is using Delhi government officials illegally. Expressing strong objection in this matter, Sisodia has accused Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena of misusing powers in the press conference. Sisodia said that the officers should be used for getting the work done for the public and not for giving notices to the CM and ministers.

BJP governments are also doing the same. But no action is being taken on them. See the illegitimate use of unconstitutional control on officers in Delhi, Sisodia said. BJP has given a notice to Delhi government’s information department secretary Alice Vaz (IAS) officer that from the year 2017, the expenses of advertisements given in states outside Delhi have been paid by CM Arvind Kejriwal. will be charged.

Ajay Maken and Ramveer Singh Bidhuri had complained
Officials said that the CCRGA started the investigation after a complaint by BJP leader Ramveer Singh Bidhuri and Delhi Congress leader Ajay Maken. In the investigation, it was found that the Aam Aadmi Party had violated the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court in the advertisements. After this, the DIP was ordered to count the money spent on these advertisements and recover it from the Aam Aadmi Party.

Officials said the DIP informed that the party spent Rs 97 crore on non-endorsement advertisements. This is a violation of the Supreme Court order. DIP had released Rs 42.26 crore to the publication on behalf of the advertising agency. Whereas, the remaining 54.87 crore is still pending.

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