Noida Twin Towers demolition: Residents relieved as officials declare no damage to other buildings

Image Source : PTI Noida Twin Towers demolition

Noida Twin Towers demolition: As a series of controlled explosions reduced the 100-metre tall twin towers in Noida to a pile of rubble, residents heaved a sigh of relief after officials declared that there appeared to be no damage to the buildings adjacent to the structures that were brought down.

Shortly after the court-mandated demolition of the buildings, officials declared that there appeared to be no damage to the buildings adjacent to the Supertech twin towers but said a more detailed audit is underway.

The structures – taller than Delhi’s iconic Qutub Minar (73 metres) – were brought to the ground in seconds literally like a house of cards by the ‘waterfall implosion’ technique, in a breathtaking spectacle of modern day engineering.

Sarita, a resident of Emerald court, shifted to Delhi temporarily on Saturday night ahead of the demolition.

“I moved to Delhi for the demolition and we will return on Sunday night. Prima facie, it appears that there’s no damage to our buildings. We have been told that the authorities will check the area first and then, let us in,” Sarita said.

Ekta Gupta, another resident of the society, said they have been informed by the authorities that there was no damage to their buildings following which they are planning return to their society after 6.30 pm.

“I am relieved to know that there is no damage to our building. We will be going back in the evening after 6.30 pm on Sunday. We were provided accommodation at a nearby society,” she said.

Another resident, Gauri Grover, who moved to the temporary accommodation provided by the Silver City society, said she was informed by the security staff that their buildings were not damaged.

“I am relieved. We covered our entire house and we kept our valuables inside. My husband is in merchant navy and son is away at his grandparents.

I was alone at home. We saw the building collapse from the terrace of Silver City,” she said.

Mumbai-based Edifice Engineering was tasked with the demolition. Edifice had hired South Africa’s Jet Demolitions for its expertise. The Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) was appointed by the Supreme Court as technical expert for the project.

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