Noida Supertech Twin Towers Demolition: Team of Engineers Arrives for Final Checks; Control Rooms Set Up

evacuation exercise said around 7.15 am. “The evacuation is nearing completion,” an official said. Who built twin towers in Noida? The towers were constructed by realty firm Supertech Ltd.

While the residents, their vehicles and pets had to be moved out by 7 am, private security and other staff will also be removed from the two societies by 1 pm, the officials added. The demolition of the two illegally built towers is scheduled for 2.30 pm.

Meanwhile, authorities have constructed a ‘green corridor’ to prepare for any medical emergencies in the case of any mishap. Officials are conducting drills with ambulances in preparation of the demolition, sources said.

While the twin towers have remained out-of-bounds for the past several days, during which it was charged with 3,700 kg of explosive, locals thronged the site at midnight to take a final look at the structures before they are pulled down and consigned to chapters in history books. The excitement among children was palpable even as police and security personnel remained deployed at the site in Sector 93A since Saturday evening.

Why are Supertech twin towers being demolished? The structures, deemed unlawfully constructed by the Supreme Court, will be demolished at 2:30 pm on August 28, Sunday. Know the Reason Behind Noida Twin Towers’ Demolition and The Impact on

The Noida Authority has also set up a control room which will register complaints to deal with any emergency after the building collapse. The control room will start working at 6:00 am on August 28, and will be operational 24 hours a day till August 30. Information/ complaint can be lodged on these numbers- 0120-2425301, 0120-2425302, 0120-2425025 11. Entry/ movement of persons in the affected area will be possible only after 5.00 pm.

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