New Year, New Vision: Top Resolutions For Optimal Eye Health

By Dr Sujatha T S, Zonal Head – Clinical Services, Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital

Sight plays a major role in one’s life. It can be not easy to protect our eyes in our day-to-day busy lives. Here are the following New Year resolution tips one can take care of to preserve eyesight. 

Cut Down The Screen Time: 



Prolonged exposure to mobile or computer can cause eye strain, dryness, headache, etc. Reducing screen time can also enable a person to spend more time with their loved ones or once can enrich their other resolutions.

Eat Healthy – Sea Healthy: 



One should include more of leafy green vegetables, carrots, salmon, and green peppers in their diet. By incorporating healthy diets along with other healthy eye habits, one can enjoy overall improved eye health. Avoid smoking, and consumption of alcohol for overall health.

Wearing Sunglasses & Protective Eye Gears: 



One must protect their eyes from prolonged sun and dust exposure by wearing sunglasses. Workers in factories should maintain a habit of working with protective eye gear. 



Maintaining proper eye hygiene is an important eye care tip for maintaining healthy eyesight. Avoid using old makeup products. One should be mindful about maintaining proper hygiene after using eye makeup. Avoid self-medication, avoid using over-the-counter topical medications by yourself to avoid any harm. 

Be Mindful Of Visual Symptoms:



 Here are a few signs of visual problems one should be aware of and must visit an ophthalmologist if they have any of the following:

  • Red eye 
  • Blurring of vision 
  • Floaters / Flashes of light – which can indicate some retinal pathology 
  • Light sensitivity
  • Night blindness 


Regular Followups:

Last but not least, one must take a resolution to visit your ophthalmologist at least once a year for a detailed evaluation to maintain your eyesight.

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