NCP Activists Stage Protests Against Maha Minister Abdul Sattar Over Remark Against MP Supriya Sule

Activists of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) on Tuesday staged agitations in different parts of Maharashtra against state Minister Abdul Sattar for his alleged derogatory comment against party leader Supriya Sule and demanded his removal.

The protests were held at Nagpur, Pune, Jalgaon, Nashik, Amravati, Jalna, Latur, Ratnagiri, Baramati and Nandurbar areas of the state.

Sattar’s alleged derogatory comment against Sule has angered NCP workers, who had staged protests on Monday as well. The minister, who belongs to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde-led Balasahebanchi Shiv Sena, later told a rally in Sillod that he had apologised for a word he had used.

NCP activists, led by the party’s city unit president Ranjan Thakare, staged the agitation at the party office in Nashik city.

The protestors attacked an effigy of the state agriculture minister with chappals and shouted slogans against him.

Speaking at the protest, Thakare said, “Crossing limits while criticising and then tendering an apology does not suit the post of Abdul Sattar. A crime is a crime in court and an apology does not reduce the punishment. Hence, the NCP will send 50 khokas (boxes) of chappals to Sattar.” A similar agitation was held at Latur city, where party workers, led by city unit chief Makrand Save, placed Sattar’s effigy on a donkey and later burnt it.

“A shameful thing has happened in the political culture and tradition of Maharashtra. Despite holding a responsible position, Sattar stooped to a very low level by insulting Supriya Sule,” Save said.

Party workers and activists shouted slogans against Sattar and demanded his removal.

NCP workers also burnt tyres on Pune-Nashik highway, while in Baramati they hanged the minister’s photograph around a donkey’s neck.

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