‘Namaste’: US Embassy Welcomes New Ambassador To India Eric Garcetti

New US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti arrived in New Delhi on Tuesday, confirmed US Embassy in India. Garcetti, former Los Angeles Mayor, got the job two years after his name was first announced for the role.

“Namaste, Ambassador-Designate Eric Garcetti! We’re thrilled to welcome you to India and work with you to build even stronger ties between our two great nations,” tweeted US Embassy in India.

Despite strong trade and security ties between the two nations, the US has not had an ambassador to India since January 2021. The last US ambassador to India, Kenneth Juster, left on January 20, 2021.

Garcetti, a close ally of US President Joe Biden, was nominated for the post in 2021. However, his appointment was held up after allegations that he had overlooked accusations of sexual harassment against an aide, Rick Jacobs, when he was mayor.

Garcetti has denied any wrongdoing. In March, the Senate confirmed the appointment of the 52-year-old by a vote of 52-42.

Who Is Eric Garcetti?

A graduate of Columbia University, Garcetti was an officer in the US Navy for 12 years before he waded into politics. In 2013, he became the youngest mayor of Los Angeles in 100 years and the first Jewish person to be elected for the role. He held the post until 2022.

His tenure as mayor in Los Angeles had several high points, including securing the city as the 2028 Olympics venue.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Garcetti was praised for formulating a pro-active response in Los Angeles, building the largest testing and vaccination sites in the world.

Garcetti studied Hindi and Indian culture and history while at Columbia and went on to earn a Master’s degree at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.  After graduating, Garcetti was selected as a Rhodes Scholar, studying at The Queen’s College, Oxford, and the London School of Economics and Political Science.