Muslim Law Board against Surya Namaskar: AIMPLB opposed the order of Surya Namaskar in schools, asked Muslim students not to participate in it

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The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has objected to Surya Namaskar and asked Muslim students to avoid participating in Surya Namaskar program as Surya Namaskar is a form of Sun worship. Whereas Uttar Pradesh Minorities Minister Mohsin Raza accused AIMPLB of doing this to divert the attention of the Muslim community.

According to the report, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani, general secretary of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, has issued this statement. The central government has instructed schools across the country to conduct ‘Surya Namaskar’ to students from January 1 to 7. The Amrit Mahotsav of Independence is being celebrated on the occasion of 75 years of Independence.

What’s in the statement?
The statement issued by the board reads, “India is a secular, multi-religious and multi-cultural country. On the basis of these principles our Constitution has been written.”

“The Constitution does not permit us to teach teachings of a particular religion or organize ceremonies based on the beliefs of a particular group in government educational institutions. But it is extremely unfortunate that the present government is deviating from this principle and the country is trying to impose the thinking and tradition of the majority sect on all sections of the society.”

“The Ministry of Education, Government of India has decided to run a project of Surya Namaskar in 30 states on the occasion of 75th Independence Day, in which 30 thousand schools will be covered in the first phase. From 1st January 2022 to 7th January 2022. This program is proposed and a concert on Surya Namaskar is also planned on January 26.”

Government should focus on the problems of the country: AIMPLB
The statement issued by the board further said, “Surely this is an unconstitutional act and a false propaganda of patriotism. Surya Namaskar is a form of sun worship. Islam and other minorities of the country neither consider the sun as a deity.” and do not consider his worship to be right, so it is the duty of the government to withdraw such instructions and respect the secular values ​​of the country.”

The board has said that if the government wants the national anthem to be recited to inculcate the feeling of patriotism and if the government wants to pay the right to love the country, then it should pay attention to the real problems of the country. “From the rising unemployment, inflation in the country, devaluation of currency, formal propaganda of hatred, failure to protect the country’s borders, relentless sale of public property these are the real issues that need to be addressed by the government.”

controversy over surya namaskar
According to the English newspaper ‘Times of India’, recently the Karnataka government had issued a circular regarding ‘Surya Namaskar’ in colleges and schools, which was alleged by many institutions that it was under the government’s plan of ‘saffronisation’. Happening.

Outrage over Omicron variant in Karnataka too
The circular, issued on December 12, had asked schools to conduct ‘Surya Namaskar’ in the morning assembly and ensure that a large number of students attend it. In the circular, earlier these orders were given to the college but later the schools were also asked to include it.

It has been said in the circular that this preparation is for the mass Surya Namaskar program to be held on 26 January. On the occasion of Republic Day on 26 January, the government plans to organize a program on Surya Namaskar. It is estimated that 7.5 lakh people will participate in this huge event. Many people in Karnataka are also expressing their displeasure over the program because of the Omicron variant.

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