MP Board Results 2023 Released: 63.29% Pass 10th, 55.28% Clear MPBSE 12th Exams 2023

The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has declared the MP Board 10th, 12th Results 2023 today, May 25, 2023. Following the announcement of MPBSE Results 2023, candidates who appeared for the MP Board 10th, 12th Exams 2023 can now check their results on the official websites –, and

MP Board 10th Exams 2023 Result

Mridula Pal has topped in the MPBSE 10th Results 2023 declared today. A total of 8,20,014 registered for the MPBSE 10th Exams 2023, out of which 8,15,364 appeared and 5,15,955 students passed the exam. The overall passing percentage stood at 63.29%, while 60.26% boys have cleared the exam. Girls on the other hand have recorded a pass percentage of 66.47%. A  total of 2,64,216 girls and 2,51,739 boys have passed the exam, while 2,16,912 have failed in the MPBSE 10th Board Exams 2023. Among the failed candidates, a total of 82,335 candidates will have to appear for the supplementary exams.

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MP Board 12th Exams Result 2023

Along with the class 10th result, MPBSE also declared the Class 12th result today. As far as the passing percentage is concerned, 55.28% students passed the exam overall. The pass percenatage for boys stood at 52% and on the other hand 58.75% girls managed to clear the exam. A total of 7,29,426 students registered for the exam, out of which 7,27,044 students appeared for the exam and 4,01,366 students cleared the exam.

Out of the total number of students 3,53,989 girls registered for the exam, while 3,53,035 girls appeared and 2,07,203 cleared the exam. As far as the boys are concerned, the total number of boys who registered for the exam were 3,75,437, out of which 3,74,009 boys appeared and 1,94,163 passed the exam. Molly Nema has topped the MPBSE Class 12 exams.

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Candidates must note that the digital scorecards available for download on the official website after the result announcement shall be provisional in nature. Candidates are advised to check and verify all details mentioned on the digital marks statement after downloading. The marks statement will have necessary details like Candidates’ Name, Parent’s Name, Roll Number, Subjects Appeared, Marks Obtained, Qualifying Status, and others. Candidates will be handed over their original marksheets and certificates by their respective schools at a later date.

Earlier this year, the MPBSE conducted the MP Board Exams from March 1 to April 5, 2023. While the MPBSE 10th Exams were conducted from March 1 to March 27, the MPBSE 12th Exams 2023 were conducted from March 2 to April 5, 2023. Over 18 lakh candidates reportedly appeared for the MP Board 10th, 12th Exams 2023. To pass in the MP Board Exams 2023, candidates are required to score a minimum aggregate of 33% marks in all subjects. However, those who couldn’t clear their board exams will have another chance to do so, by appearing in the compartmental exams.

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