MP Aujla reaches out to students in Poland: Problems with students at Rzijo Jassienka airport; Campaign to evacuate Indians after discussing the situation

Majitha (Amritsar)33 minutes ago

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Punjab’s Amritsar MP Gurjit Singh Aujla, who went to rescue the students of MBBS stranded in Ukraine after the Russian attack, reached Rajijo Jasyonka airport late on Saturday night. There Aujla met the Indian students and inquired about their condition.

Help for students trapped in bunkers

MP Aujla said that at this time he is trying for those students who are trapped in bunkers in Eastern Ukraine and it is not easy for them to reach any border. He said that he is trying for such children so that they can be removed as soon as possible. During this, he also thanked Chandigarh’s student Diamond, who started evacuating the children even before the guidelines of the Embassy came.

MP Aujla with Indian students at Poland airport.

MP Aujla with Indian students at Poland airport.

Hindu-Sikh Brotherhood

Aujla said that the Indian students reached the border on foot, facing a heavy crunch. During this, maximum Hindu-Sikh brotherhood was seen. He told that during this period, where Gurdwara Singh Sabha set up langar for the children, the Hindu Bhawan temple of Sindhi brothers also gave shelter to the destitute.

students will return home soon

MP Aujla said that at this time not only the Punjabis of India but also the Punjabis settled in other countries are being rescued and with the help of those who can help, everyone is being rescued. All facilities are being provided to the children to eat and drink and they will send all the children to the parents after getting rescued as soon as possible.

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