Message of Ulama from Deoband Conference: Arshad Madani said – We are not competing with Hindus, but with the government; Farooqui said – the government is spreading propaganda against Islam

SaharanpurOne hour ago

A two-day national conference of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind is going on in Deoband. 1500 Ulama from 25 states have gathered here. Saturday was the first day of the conference. The Ulama expressed concern over the situation in the country. The conference was heated with issues like Babri Masjid, Gyanvapi, cow, mob lynching and breaking Hindu-Muslim unity. Bhaskar correspondent spoke to the Ulama who reached here. Let’s take a look at their points one by one…

Maulana Arshad Madani, president of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind (A), said, “We are not competing with Hindus, but with the government, which is setting fire to the foundation of ointment. Whenever we fight, we will fight only with the country. If the country gives us our rights, we will clap, otherwise we will keep going to the court for our rights.In his address which lasted for 22 minutes and 27 seconds, he said that we have to face today’s situation with love, not by landing on the road. Only then will we be successful. On the basis of humanity, we will hold on to the education of love. If we do this, then those who set fire will themselves be trapped in this fire.”

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Arshad Madani warns that India’s situation will also be like Sri Lanka

1500 Jamiat members from 25 states are present in Deoband. Apart from this, a total of three thousand people are gathering including the people around.

Arshad Madani said, “Some people want Muslims to come on the streets, but we have to maintain our courage. The current situation in the country is against us. We remained calm till the court’s decision on Babri Masjid. Despite this, on the day of judgment in Deoband. The police force had come. The cow was taken away from the homes of the Muslims. We saw this for the first time in the country. The atmosphere of hatred is increasing in the country. Our Ulama made sacrifices from the country’s independence to issues like Babri Masjid.”

Regarding the Gyanvapi case pending in the court, he said that we have to fight this fight legally and constitutionally. The government is working to increase the gulf between Hindus and Muslims in the country. If the situation remains here, then the condition of our country will be like Sri Lanka.

Arshad said – the country is ours, we did not come from outside
He said, “We have not come from anywhere. This country is as much theirs as it is ours. But it is the country’s misfortune that people in power are dividing people into hatred in the name of religion. He also said That there is absolutely no need to fear and panic. Which is ruining the country by dividing people in the name of religion. We have to face the situation without taking to the streets.”

Explain the Nizam of Madrasas and Schools
Arshad said that the religion of Islam gives the message of humanity. Closeness should be increased with the majority society. What education is given to them in their madrasas and schools. This has to be explained. There are people in this country who returned their awards on issues and situations like mob lynching and expressed their displeasure by writing a letter to the Prime Minister, the President. We will put our point before the government. If the government does not understand then the country will be ruined.

Let us now tell the main points of conversation with Maulana Asad Mahmood Madani and Maulana Niyaz Farooqui …

The hate game has to be stopped and made

Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind President Maulana Asad Mahmood Madani said, “The hate game has to be stopped and done. The market of hatred is being heated in the country. People of short maturity are creating such situation in the country. One The community is being harassed. Efforts are being made to divide the people in the country in the name of religion and disputes. We are all opposing this.”

Maulana Asad Mahmood Madani said in the conversation that everyone should be equal and everyone should be respected.  What to live when there is no respect.

Maulana Asad Mahmood Madani said in the conversation that everyone should be equal and everyone should be respected. What to live when there is no respect.

Niyaz Ahmed’s allegation – Government spreading propaganda against Islam
Maulana Niyaz Ahmed Farooqui, National Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind said, “Hate is being spread against Islam in the country. We will not answer brick with stone. Anyone who abuses us or our elders, we should also do the same.” Our religion does not allow this. We have to be patient. We should try to clear the misunderstanding which is there. He has told about the resolution to be held on May 29 that how there is a shortage of backward Muslims in education. To be removed? With Gyanvapi, there will be a discussion about other mosques. There will be a discussion about illegal occupation of Waqf property.

Maulana Niyaz Ahmed Farooqui said that baseless allegations are being spread against Islamic civilization and culture.  Those in power are encouraging him.

Maulana Niyaz Ahmed Farooqui said that baseless allegations are being spread against Islamic civilization and culture. Those in power are encouraging him.

These issues are to be discussed today i.e. on Sunday.

  • Gyanvapi and Mathura Idgah
  • Laws of the land and common civil code
  • Islamic education
  • Promoting Hindi language and local language

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